释义 |
ca·thar·tic I. \kəˈthär]d.ik, -thȧ], ]tik, -ēk\ adjective also ca·thar·ti·cal \-ə̇kəl, -ēk-\ Etymology: Late Latin or Greek; Late Latin catharticus, from Greek kathartikos, from (assumed) Greek kathartos (verbal of Greek kathairein) + Greek -ikos -ic, -ical : of, relating to, or having the effect of catharsis : cleansing, purifying < argument as to how Aristotle thought the cathartic process worked — Hunter Mead > < cold, cathartic rain — R.P.Warren > specifically : cleansing the bowels • ca·thar·ti·cal·ly \-ə̇k(ə)lē, -ēk-, -li\ adverb II. noun (-s) Etymology: Late Latin or Greek; Late Latin catharticum, from Greek kathartikon, from neuter of kathartikos : a cathartic medicine : purgative |