单词 | potency |
释义 | po·ten·cy 1. a. < if land armies ever lose their potency — Green Peyton > < a place of potency and sway o' the state — Shakespeare > < massed activity has a potency which individual effort can no longer claim — John Dewey > b. (1) < the potency of prominence for good or ill is not to be denied — F.L.Mott > < the potency of religious faith to deal with fear, anxiety, and tension — Saturday Review > (2) < these lines … have, in addition, a very remarkable potency of suggestion — F.R.Leavis > < must not doubt the potency of our ideas — C.M.Fuess > < the charm and emotional potency of the music — Edward Sackville-West & Desmond Shawe-Taylor > c. (1) < the potency of the drink > < the potency of the drug > < the material had lost its potency by being exposed to light — Current Biography > (2) < figured out that less than 100 H-bombs of 1954 potency could lay down a saturation pattern of poisonous fallout — New Republic > d. 2. a. < clung to our atoms as the inmost nucleus of matter and as containing the promise and potency of life and mind — W.L.Sullivan > < submitted … only to the finest human potencies, which is to say, to the potentiality of being human — New Republic > b. < a ball has a potency for being thrown > < a teacher is necessary to lead the student to an actual knowledge of what he knew only in potency — Henri DuLac > c. 3. a. < it is his potency's wish — Rafael Sabatini > b. < pray to the potencies of rebirth and resurrection in nature and human love — Hans Meyerhoff > |
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