

单词 nocturnal
释义 noc·tur·nal
I. \(ˈ)näk|tərnəl, -tə̄n-\ adjective
Etymology: Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French nocturnal, nocturnel, from Late Latin nocturnalis, from Latin nocturnus of night, nocturnal + -alis -al; akin to Latin nox night — more at night
1. : of or relating to night : done, held, or occurring in the night
 < nocturnal darkness >
 < a nocturnal journey >
 a. : active at night — used of animals and sometimes plants that perform most of their functions (as feeding, breeding, or blooming) at night; compare diurnal
 b. : characterized by nocturnal activity
  < a nocturnal form of filariasis >
  < a nocturnal flower >
3. : suggestive of or having the character of a nocturne
4. of a sign of the zodiac : even 5a
noc·tur·nal·ly \-əlē, -əli\ adverb
II. noun
1. : night piece; specifically : a play in which the action takes place to a considerable extent on a darkened stage
2. : one that is abroad or active at night : nightwalker
3. : an astrolabe formerly used for finding the time at night or determining latitude




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