释义 |
nod·dy \ˈnädē, -di\ noun (-es) Etymology: probably short for obsolete noddypoll, alteration (influenced by nod) (I) of hoddypoll 1. : a stupid person : dunce, simpleton, fool 2. a. also noddy tern : any of several stout-bodied terns of the genera Anoüs and Micranous chiefly of tropical and subtropical seas; especially : a dark sooty brown tern (A. stolidus) common on the southern Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States b. Midland : ruddy duck c. : fulmar d. : razorbill 3. a. : an old card game resembling cribbage b. : jack 1c(1) 4. [probably from nod (I) + -y] a. : a small usually 2-wheeled one-horse hackney vehicle formerly used in Ireland and Scotland b. : an inverted pendulum consisting of a short vertical flat spring that supports a rod having a bob at the top and used for measuring slight horizontal vibrations |