

单词 no-man's-land
释义 no-man's-land
\ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun
Etymology: no man's (gen. of no man) + land
 a. : an area of unowned, unclaimed, or uninhabited land
  < a no-man's-land of bottomlands and islands aggregating up to forty square miles — N.Y.Times >
  < many metropolitan areas will become a kind of no-man's-land should they become heavily contaminated — R.E.Lapp >
  < staring down into a no-man's-land where once had stood busy streets — S.P.B.Mais >
 b. : a belt of ground between the most advanced elements of opposing armies : an area in a theater of operations not controlled by either side
2. : an area of anomalous, ambiguous, or indefinite character
 < lived in a no-man's-land between slavery and freedom — World >
 < the no-man's-land between political theory, theology, and political history — Richard Mayne >
 < the no-man's-land that was neither wholly good nor wholly evil — Nigel Dennis >




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