单词 | disaster |
释义 | di·sas·ter I. 1. obsolete a. b. 2. a. < a flood disaster > < a mine disaster > < such a war would be the final and supreme disaster to the world — Archibald MacLeish > b. < the loss of his wife was the culminating disaster of the trip > c. < only his skillful direction saved the play from being a unqualified disaster > Synonyms: < accidents to various ships thwarted this attempt, and brought about a battle disastrous to him — A.T.Mahan > The misfortunes of a disaster may be measurable < taking the atom bomb out of the realms of unimaginable horror and showing it as a measurable disaster — Economist > calamity may heighten suggestions of lasting emotion, affliction, grief at loss < a disaster, for me a calamity — John Galsworthy > < revolving this last chapter of calamity suddenly opened where happiness had promised — George Meredith > catastrophe is often stronger than disaster or calamity < which spell discomfort when one cycle, distress when two, catastrophe when all cycles are in the depression phase — E.R.Dewey & E.F.Dakin > It may suggest finality < has Europe been engulfed at last by irrevocable tragedy? Has the fair continent … been overtaken at last by irremediable catastrophe — T.R.Ybarra > cataclysm suggests an upheaval that overwhelms, shatters, and submerges an established order; it usually applies to the general or universal rather than to the limited or personal < it is not clear whether the Norman Conquest and the Russian Revolution are cataclysms or forms of political activity — J.C.Rees > < the impact of war and defeat on the South was immediate and cataclysmic — Allan Nevins & H.S.Commager > All of these words and their derivatives are used less precisely in milder situations < a considerable incident. Almost a disaster — Joseph Conrad > < live down its small calamities — Frederic Morton > < to save the city from the catastrophic mismanagement of its own officials — T.E.Dewey > < the catclysmic race, with two real chariots, each drawn by four Arabian horses — Time > II. obsolete |
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