单词 | discipline |
释义 | dis·ci·pline I. 1. obsolete 2. < such traditional disciplines as history, literature, political science — W.R.Steckel > 3. < will submit willingly to severe discipline in order to acquire some coveted knowledge or skill — Bertrand Russell > < the valuable intellectual discipline of close research into a limited topic > < needs the discipline of hard work and early rising > < to learn to dance is the most austere of disciplines — Havelock Ellis > 4. a. b. c. < schoolboys kept in line by floggings and other severe discipline > 5. a. < maintained the strictest discipline in the barracks and the field > b. < commended the discipline of these veteran troops > < lack of discipline was made plain by the students' listless, apathetic recitation > also < poor discipline > < good discipline > c. < with a remarkable discipline she avoided all reference to this incident in the pages of her diary > < the sixty-six-pound free luggage allowance … forces me into a discipline in selecting what to take along — Richard Joseph > 6. < in these revolutions the disciplines, such as food rationing, either collapsed or near-collapsed — Herbert Hoover > as a. < to introduce the Presbyterian polity and discipline > b. < changes in the Roman Catholic discipline relating to fasting > 7. a. < watching the discipline of the tides, with their evident rhythm — Clare Leighton > b. < argued that the discipline of science differs from that of the humanities > II. 1. a. < saw a dozen wretched creatures disciplining themselves with whips > b. < cadets disciplined by confinement to quarters > c. 2. < attention which modern education does not discipline the majority of our citizens to give — R.M.Weaver > < endless practice … had disciplined his muscles and nerves into beautiful coordination — P.B.Sears > : train (the mental faculties) in habits of order, sobriety, and precision < a disciplined mind > < a disciplined imagination > : make effective by restraint < so disciplines his writing as to make every word count — Coleman Rosenberger > 3. a. < poorly armed and disciplined troops > b. < the enormous, confused, and unruly material has … been disciplined into a single coherent narrative — Walter Millis > Synonyms: see punish, teach |
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