释义 |
cer·tif·i·cate I. \sə(r)ˈtifə̇kə̇t, ˌsərˈt-, ˌsə̄ˈt-, ˌsəiˈt-, -fēk-, usu -kə̇d .+V\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English certificat, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin certificatum, from Late Latin, neuter of certificatus, past participle of certificare to certify — more at certify 1. : a document containing a certified and usually official statement : a signed, written, or printed testimony to the truth of something (as a personal claim) < he must present a certificate that he has never been arrested — Ernest Hemingway > especially : a document issued by a school, a state agency, or a professional organization certifying that one has satisfactorily completed a course of studies, has passed a qualifying examination, or has attained professional standing in a given field and may officially practice or hold a position in that field < a teacher's certificate > 2. : something resembling or serving the same end as a certificate : certification < a mood which she could surely take as a certificate that all was well — Rebecca West > < describes a pilgrimage thither as a certificate of patriotism — A.M.Young > 3. : a document evidencing ownership or debt < stock certificate > < certificate of deposit > 4. : a document issued by a qualified officer of an organization asserting that a person is a member in good standing, holds a given rank or office, or has attained a specified honor; also : a blank form for such a document 5. : a contract issued in place of an insurance policy by an insurer to one insured as evidence of membership in an insurance or pension plan II. \-fəˌkāt, usu -ād.+V\ transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) : to testify to, furnish with, authorize, or license by a certificate; especially : to certify by means of a certificate showing adequate training or competence to practice a particular trade or profession < the certificated airlines — Air Transportation > < a certificated parachute technician — C.A.Zweng > < certificate a physician > |