

单词 write up
释义 write up
transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English (Scots) writen up
 a. : to write an account of : describe fully
  < stuff on the early history of toleration … which, when written up, will … be quite new — H.J.Laski >
  < write him up on the front page — Irwin Deutscher >
 b. : to put into finished written form (as the raw material of a report or a piece of fiction)
  < write up a story idea in the form of a one-act play >
  < wrote up his notes on the train >
 c. : to increase the interest or significance of (a piece of writing) by attractive language or presentation
2. : to bring up to date the writing of
3. : to set down an unduly high value for : increase the book value of
 < write up an asset >
4. : to write a summons for : prefer charges against
 < cars found parked in the streets … will be written upSpringfield (Massachusetts) Union >




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