释义 |
cre·scen·do I. \krə̇ˈshen(ˌ)dō, -ˈse-; krāˈsh-, kreˈsh-\ noun (plural crescendos or crescendoes) Etymology: Italian, from crescendo (verbal of crescere to grow), from Latin crescendum 1. a. : a swelling in volume of sound especially in playing or singing music b. : a passage so performed 2. a. : any gradual increase (as in physical or emotional force or intensity) < a crescendo of irritation > < a crescendo of attacks upon the town > < a crescendo of color spread over the sky > b. : the peak of such an increase < the gale reached its crescendo in the evening >
[mark indicating crescendo 1a] II. adjective (or adverb) Etymology: Italian, literally, growing, from Latin crescendum, gerund of crescere to grow : with an increase in volume — used as a direction in music and often indicated by the abbreviation cresc or the symbol ? III. intransitive verb (-ed/-ing/-es) : to grow especially in volume of sound or in emotional intensity < chants that … had crescendoed to a wild frenzy — Hendrik de Leeuw > |