单词 | chance |
释义 | chance I. 1. a. < this is a strange chance that throws you and me together — Charles Dickens > < when the chances of war make him again the spokesman of the majority — B.N.Cardozo > b. archaic < hard chance they had, and lots of 'em died, I guess — Sarah O. Jewett > c. < whatever be my chance or my mischance — Robert Browning > < sane persons who by chance or by evil design have been confined in a lunatic asylum — C.H.Grandgent > < my experience as a historian is that more documents survive by chance than by intention — Robert Graves > < games in which chance predominates over skill are used for gambling > d. 2. a. < a chance for the community to take a hand in punishing a somewhat contemptible malefactor — Agnes Repplier > < the feeling that the system under which we live deprives the majority of the chance of a decent life — C.D.Lewis > b. < 10 years after his death historians will get a chance at his personal file > c. < the people had not had a chance to become indoctrinated > < giving the wound a chance to heal > d. e. < the shortstop fumbled on a hard chance > specifically < handling 200 chances without an error > 3. a. (1) (2) < what chance has he of pulling through > < we have practically no chance of winning > — often used in plural < dubious of his chances on the lottery ticket > — compare probability 3 b. < until I thought I had eliminated all chance of error — David Fairchild > < and if you guarantee a chance, it is no longer a chance; it is a sinecure — C.W.Mills > < go ahead with the printing on the chance that no major correction may prove necessary > c. < well, no matter what they think they have on me, I stand a chance in court — William Faulkner > d. < to me, the best chance for future society lies through apathy, uninventiveness, and inertia — E.M.Forster > e. chances plural < the chances are that no one who opens the book will skip a page > < chances are he has already heard the news > 4. < a man bold enough to take his chances — F.B.Gipson > < they took a long chance, and they made it — Shine Philips > especially < lost his money taking chances in local lotteries > 5. Midland a. < a right smart chance of corn > b. 6. a. b. Synonyms: < we may say that two or more phenomena are conjoined by chance … meaning that they are in no way related by causation — J.S.Mill > chance may stress blind, random, utter unpredictability < he had felt no will to resist, but had let chance take its way — Willa Cather > < the gun … wavered as he raised it and fired, but chance came to his assistance — Sherwood Anderson > fortune in this sense may be associated with the notion of the goddess Fortuna, a subdeity who capriciously and inconsistently apportioned men's differing allotments of wealth and power < not only, to carry out Bacon's conception, does a man who marries give hostages to fortune, but also he who accumulates objects of value; for each affords occasions for Fortune's malice — Herbert Spencer > luck is quite similar to fortune in this sense; it differs mainly in being less formal and bookish than fortune and, sometimes, in being more applicable to one specific situation < luck operates in most departments of human affairs … Read the autobiographies of businessmen and gather from those who are frank their examples of the lucky break — Lydia Strong > Without modification, luck is likely to indicate a favoring force, a beneficial one < with luck and the help of atomic research, our children may be safe from this grim disease — A.E.Stevenson b. 1900 > hap, now rare, is rather colorless and neutral, and is limited in its use to reference to things past < we had the good hap to meet with some young deer, a thing we had long wished for — Daniel Defoe > hazard indicates either more or less pure chance < the choice has been determined more by the hazards of my recent reading than by anything else — Aldous Huxley > or chance involving much risk or danger < it is much more difficult for small business to survive the hazards which come from trade recessions and widespread unemployment — H.S.Truman > accident stresses lack of essential cause; it may differ from chance in suggesting an occurrence or event rather than the blind force motivating it < only an occasional accident, such as the discovery of some chemically preserved textiles — American Guide Series: Ind. > Synonym: see in addition opportunity. • - by chance II. intransitive verb 1. a. < it chanced that the winter of 1783-84 was a very severe one — H.E.Scudder > b. < let me know if there should chance to be another book with the same title > c. < a mumbled conversation I chanced to hear in the subway > d. obsolete < how chance this was not done before — Christopher Marlowe > 2. < Shakespeare chanced upon the best time and country in which to live — G.M.Trevelyan > transitive verb 1. < I know the course has dangerous curves but I'll chance one descent > 2. a. < hesitant whether to chance commitment to a world government > b. Britain 3. < it was decided to withdraw rather than chance defeat in enemy territory — T.R.Hay > Synonyms: see happen, venture • - chance one's arm III. archaic IV. < by a charming accident he had disposed of them to a chance buyer in Bainbridge — Arnold Bennett > < living on the chancepresents of his friends — Anthony Trollope > Synonyms: see random |
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