单词 | change |
释义 | change I. transitive verb 1. a. < on advice of counsel she never bothered to change the will — Alan Hynd > < can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots — Jer 13: 23 (Authorized Version) > < sorrow has changed him in mental attitude > b. < the airplane simply changes the map of a territory as vast and as little built up as the Congo — Tom Marvel > < you can't change human nature > < he is not moved … he is not changed by his experience — Herbert Read > specifically c. < she had to change the family jewels into land > < change a monarchy into a republic > d. < changing residence from Switzerland to Portugal > < the electrolytic refining process that was to change aluminum from a scientific curiosity to a widely used material — American Guide Series: Arkansas > < he seldom changes his itinerary > < changed our thinking about parole > e. < Netta changed her weight from one foot to the other — Stuart Cloete > < he was changed from KP to guard duty > f. < change one's vote > < changed his stand > < abruptly changing his policy > g. < our cat has been changed > 2. a. < changing the school's name > < the movie made of the novel changes the ending > < let's change the subject > < intended for the law, he changed plans before graduation > < frequently changing hands in turning the crank > b. < he changed his seat > < official permission to change occupation > < the right to hold or change faith > < not till you change your attitude > : make a shift from one to another of two < forced to change planes by bad weather > < one does not change parties as he changes tailors > < weakly changing sides in the argument > c. < change a 20-dollar bill > d. < we arrived in time to find the foliage rapidly changing color > < when confronted with the photograph the accused changed countenance > e. 3. a. < wilt thou change fathers? I will give thee mine — Shakespeare > < this chamber change for one more holy — E.A.Poe > < I wouldn't change places with him > < let's change seats > < he and I changed shifts so he could attend his son's graduation > b. < 'tis a fault I will not change for your best virtues — Shakespeare > < for a new name … to change the honors of abandoned Rome — P.B.Shelley > < change a uniform for mufti > < unwilling to change independence for the comforts of wealth > intransitive verb 1. a. < the changing foliage of autumn > < with the threat of war the popular mood changed > < racial relations seem to be changing for the better > b. (1) < the country has survived changing governments > < wait till the light changes > < changing world conditions > < fashions change like the weather > (2) obsolete < how they change! Their cheeks are paper — Shakespeare > c. < prices change overnight > d. < people don't like to change — J.P.Blank > specifically e. of the moon f. chiefly dialect g. < there we changed to a local train > h. of the voice i. Britain 2. a. < but the truth is that after a certain point quantity of money does indeed change into a quality of personality — Lionel Trilling > b. < winter changed to spring > < the terrain changed gradually from rolling farm land to rugged mining country > < the chilly sensations change to discomfort and the acuity of touch sensations and muscular reactions are dulled — H.G.Armstrong > c. < external circumstances may change catastrophically, as during a war — Aldous Huxley > < the diet of marine species is generally very varied, and often changes considerably as the animals grow older and larger — W.H.Dowdeswell > < how the objects of a war may change completely during its progress — Zechariah Chafee > 3. < prepared to change for dinner > 4. a. obsolete < but might I of Jove's nectar sip I would not change for thine — Ben Jonson > b. obsolete c. < I need a lighter ax; I'll change with you > Synonyms: < he looked … with clouded eyes and with an altered manner of breathing — Charles Dickens > < Tockwotton House, the grounds of which, somewhat altered with the passing years, now form Tockwotton Park — American Guide Series: Rhode Island > modify may indicate a change away from an extreme or a minor change made in the interest of adapting to a new use, function, or significance < Boner, refusing to modify his politics, found all doors closed to him in his own state — Tremaine McDowell > < all of these have their respiratory organs modified to suit their mode of respiration — Joyce Allen > vary stresses a breaking away from sameness, from identity, duplication, exact repetition < this is not a proceeding which may be varied … but is a precise course accurately marked out by law and is to be stricly preserved — John Marshall > < tasks may be varied slightly, as when a worker in a cigarette factory is shifted from the job of feeding tobacco into a machine to the job of packing and weighing — Aldous Huxley > • - change color - change ends - change gears - change hands - change one's feet - change step - change the leg II. 1. < change consists in realizing a potentiality that is not real already — W.T.Harris > < things and processes are the sort of entities of which change is predicable — Arthur Pap > < in other words, change is concomitant variation in time and some other respect — Nelson Goodman > — used often without implication as to bettering or worsening and often with an implication of undirection or haphazardness 2. a. < but in the daily routine of their business there was little change — Thomas Hardy > < for while there have been several clear and distinct changes in the pattern, the essence of the university tradition has through all the years remained constant — J.B.Conant > < quite clearly, there is no change in phenomenal any more than in physical time — Nelson Goodman > b. < there is always the danger that people who are impatient when change comes too slowly will attempt violent solutions — P.E.James > < the semantics of functional change > < since the beginning of the 20th century, however, the time span of social change is shorter than a human life — Maurice Graney > < another kind of evidence for the ubiquitousness of change in culture can be drawn from our own everyday experience as well as from nonliterate societies — M.J.Herskovits > c. < prices are subject to change without notice > d. e. f. obsolete < it is the woman's part … ambitions, covetings, change of prides, disdain, nice longing, slanders, mutability … for even to vice they are not constant — Shakespeare > g. h. < strong change > < salt change > 3. < beware of sudden change in any great point of diet — Francis Bacon > < but change of air changes not the mind — John Milton > a. < wore out four changes of horses as he galloped all night — Dorothy C. Fisher > < striking for changes in working conditions > b. < American expansion into the Pacific and into the Caribbean, however, represented a change in American thinking — Carol L. Thompson > c. (1) (2) (3) d. < management supplies each worker with three changes a week > < time for a quick change before dinner > e. < on the occasion of her recent tour it was, for a change, a beautiful summer evening — G.W.Talbot > f. < a change of venue to an adjoining county > < sudden changes of temperature > g. 4. a. obsolete b. Britain 5. Britain < with sensational press campaigns and stocks and shares on 'change — William Irvine > 6. a. < to get change at a bank to facilitate cash sales > < supplying change for a tourist's dollars > b. < to receive 11 cents in change > < a cashier quick at making change > c. < jingling a pocketful of change > d. slang 7. < in ringing the changes a bell may shift one place in position or keep its position > 8. a. (1) (2) in square dancing b. III. archaic IV. 1. < only six minutes and change left in the game > 2. |
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