

单词 discount
释义 dis·count
I. \ˈdiˌskau̇nt\ noun
Etymology: modification (influenced by dis- (I) & count) (I) of French décompte, from Old French descont, from desconter
1. : an abatement or reduction made from the gross amount or value of anything: as
  (1) : a reduction from a price made to a specific customer or class of customers — see trade discount
  (2) : a proportionate deduction from an account as debt usually made for cash or prompt payment — see cash discount
 b. : a deduction made for interest in advancing money upon or purchasing a bill or note not due : payment in advance of interest upon money
2. : the rate of interest charged in discounting
3. : the act or an instance of discounting
 < to employ bank funds in the discount of bills of exchange >
4. : a deduction in billiards of one point from the score of one player for every point made by his opponent
5. : a deduction taken or allowance made (as for the specious element in a story or something that qualifies the truth of an assertion)
 < we may … have to make very heavy discount, or even sometimes to reject our author's conclusions altogether — G.G.Coulton >
 < after all the discounts are taken, timeliness remains a chief quality of good reporting — F.L.Mott >
also : an objectionable feature : drawback, hindrance
 < he does … mention smells and some other discounts to a pleasant day — Times Literary Supplement >

- at a discount
II. \“also də̇ˈs-\ verb
Etymology: modification of French décompter, from Old French desconter, from Medieval Latin discomputare, from Latin dis- dis- (I) + computare to reckon, compute — more at count
transitive verb
 a. : to deduct especially from an account, debt, or charge : make an abatement of
  < discount a bill for early payment >
 b. : to offer for sale at a discount : sell at a discount
  < dealers were heavily discounting last year's unsold models >
2. : to lend money upon, deducting the discount or allowance for interest
 < banks discount negotiable paper >
 a. : to leave out of account : disregard, omit
  < the influence of Hawaii on the American house is minute, discounting the spectacle … of flapping shirttails printed with gaudy flora — T.H.Robsjohn-Gibbings >
 b. : to make a deduction in evaluating the significance or worth of : view as unimportant : minimize, disparage, depreciate, underrate
  < discounting his offense as a pardonable action under the circumstances >
  < his mature judgment and long experience were discounted by his juniors >
  < never discount the fellow's cunning and ingenuity >
  : diminish, lessen
  < the value of his criticism was discounted by his ignorance of the subject >
  (1) : to make a deduction in evaluating the truth or validity of : make allowance (as for bias or exaggeration) in
   < he discounted seventy-five percent of all stable gossip — Gerald Beaumont >
   < discount some of the more enthusiastic claims made for the new drug >
  (2) : to view with doubt or skepticism : disbelieve
   < I discount the story that the brave bull gored Miss McCormick … because … she was an author — C.V.Little >
 d. : to anticipate or take into account (as a future event) in present calculations or planning
  < mail came chiefly from those organized groups whose opposition had already been discountedTime >
  < businessmen had already discounted the inflationary effects of the price increase >
4. : to give a discount to in billiards
intransitive verb
1. : to lend or make a practice of lending money, abating the discount
 < banks discount for 60 or 90 days >
2. : to make allowance
 < discounting for Richard's modesty — S.E.Hyman >
III. adjective
Etymology: discount, noun
 a. : selling goods or services at a discount
  < discount stores >
  < a discount broker >
  < discount airlines >
 b. : offered or sold at a discount
2. : reflecting a discount
 < discount prices >




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