单词 | number |
释义 | number I. num·ber 1. a. < number of desks in the room > < number of people in the hall > < owing to the number of prior applications, he shortly withdrew — J.C.Archer > b. < the sands of the seashore are beyond number > < times without number > c. < the whole number of Senators — U.S. Constitution > d. < an enormous number of languages — J.B.Carroll > < there is a limited number of such laboratories — P.D.Close > < the city is … continuing to draw increasing numbers of visitors — H.W.H.King > < archery clubs have been established … and their number is growing rapidly — American Guide Series: Minnesota > e. < a number of solutions have been proposed — S.H.Hofstadter > < the … concern occupies a number of brick buildings — American Guide Series: New Hampshire > < collection which he has exhibited a number of times — Mary Zimmer > especially < a number of instances > 2. a. < I want to be in that number when the saints go marching in — When the Saints Go Marching In > b. obsolete (1) < a mineral … of the number of bitumens — A.Cooper > (2) < this happy number that have endured shrewd days and nights with us — Shakespeare > (3) < the number may be hanged, but not be crowned — Alexander Pope > 3. < a weak sense of time and number — G.T.Trewartha & Wilbur Zelinsky > 4. a. < seven is his lucky number > < a number divisible by two > b. numbers plural < teach children their numbers > < from simple numbers to the calculus — British Book News > 5. a. b. (1) obsolete < in full harmonic number joined — John Milton > (2) numbers plural, archaic < holy numbers which thou warblest — W.M.Praed > c. numbers plural (1) < melodic numbers of the classic orators > (2) < most by numbers judge a poet's song — Alexander Pope > (3) < these numbers will I tear, and write in prose — Shakespeare > 6. a. < spell out numbers under three digits — Kate L. Turabian > specifically < the code employs letters as well as numbers > b. (1) < house number > < catalog number > < stamped a number on each ball — Millen Brand > specifically < the victim remembered the number of the getaway car > — symbol \\# < apartment \\#32 > (2) < take number two position in column — Wirt Williams > specifically < for the grounding of his ship … he was reduced ten numbers — Allan Westcott > (3) < opened fire on number three — Oxford Book of English Talk > < tackled on the line of scrimmage by number 22 > < to the keeper I was just a new number, another dirty blanket to issue — Gilbert Millstein > — compare opposite number (4) < number nine shoe > < number one manila > < a number two can of tomatoes > — compare : count II 8a (5) < dialed a number on the interoffice telephone — Hamilton Basso > (6) < the iodine number of a fatty oil > 7. < squaretails in number — Stewart Holbrook > — usually used in plural < numbers of this shark sometimes attack shoals of sardines — J.L.B.Smith > < individuals of great wealth will certainly not exist in any numbers in another decade or so — Persuasion > < numbers of beauties major and minor — F.R.Leavis > 8. numbers plural a. < numbers died on the way — Marjory S. Douglas > b. < there is safety in numbers > c. < their numbers outstrip their resources — Barbara Ward > < the graduate school doubled its numbers — C.F.Smith > 9. a. < a year's subscription brings you 12 numbers > < his article will appear in the February number > b. (1) < two … stokers as ammunition numbers — The Crowsnest > especially < a cute number in a yellow dress — R.L.Strout > < a blondined number … draped in silver fox — Margaret Long > (2) < a catchy little number in waltz time — A.E.Stevenson †1965 > < contains perhaps half a dozen numbers that are among the best things he ever wrote — Robert Collet > < novel … was going to turn out to be one of those amnesia numbers — E.J.Fitzgerald > < supported this cheery little number for just fifteen performances — Deems Taylor > < the tango number late in Act I — Theatre Arts > (3) < put that black velvet number with the sequins on the blonde dummy — Bennett Cerf > < the new nylon number which he calls an armored vest — New Yorker > < costs a lot of money to bring out any new toy number — Marketing Toys > < a more modestly priced blanket is an all-wool number — Hamilton Basso > 10. < the other side had his number and was riding him — Mary Deasy > < she was incapable of subterfuge and it didn't take him long to get her number > 11. numbers plural but singular or plural in construction a. b. Synonyms: < the number forty-five > < the number 45 > or to a character with an affix < the ordinal numbers 2d, 3d, and 4th > numeral applies to the characters as numbers as distinguished from the words standing for the same numbers < a license plate with both letters and the numerals 13249 > < the Roman numerals V, VI, and XLII > figure stresses the characters as characters, usually arabic < write the numbers in figures wherever possible to save space > < his salary went into five figures > digit refers expressly to one of the characters in Arabic notation < if you include 0, Arabic numerals consist of 10 digits, though some authorities exclude 0 as a digit > integer, in this connection, is an arithmetical term for a whole number, one that is not or does not contain a fraction < 11 1/2 is not an integer > Synonym: see in addition sum. • - any number - by the number - have one's number on it ![]() II. number transitive verb 1. a. < numbers his friends by the hundreds > b. archaic < was desirous of accurately numbering the interval of time from one … festival to another — Thomas Taylor > c. obsolete < poets cannot think, speak, cast, write, sing, number … his love — Shakespeare > 2. < it is only by accident that I am numbered among American philosophers — George Santayana > < writers resident in Texas numbered none of note whose literary work was not incidental — American Guide Series: Texas > < prudence … is numbered with the cardinal virtues — H.O.Taylor > 3. < doctors told him his days were numbered — H.E.Starr > 4. < number the pages of a book > < stay on numbered highways > < we use letters to number the rows of seats in an assembly room — D.E.Smith > < five thousand dollars of the stolen money was in numbered bills — E.S.Gardner > 5. archaic a. < the quantities of … furnitures following so royal an army, what pen can number — Robert Johnson > — often used with up < you numbered up the acts of trust — R.H.Hutton > b. < let my brother number his beads devoutly — Philip Massinger > c. < days of this life's pilgrimage … to number wisely — J.W.Warter > < my … fellows I numbered into two companies — William Morris > 6. archaic < I since then have numbered o'er some thrice three years — Alfred Tennyson > especially < of as able body as when he numbered thirty — Shakespeare > 7. < they were a miscellaneous lot … numbering in all some 20 or 30 — R.W.Southern > < his extensive collection … numbering many thousand specimens — Witmer Stone > intransitive verb 1. < controls … literally number in the thousands — Harold Koontz & Cyril O'Donnell > 2. < neng, song, sam, she numbered in Siamese — Kathryn Grondahl > especially < men fall in in single rank and number from the right in fours — Fire Service Drill Book > — often used with off < lined up and numbered off > Synonyms: see count III. numb·er comparative of numb IV. number 1. a. b. c. < tripped and did a number on her knee > 2. plural a. b. 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