释义 |
dis·cus·sion \də̇ˈskəshən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English discussioun, from Middle French & Late Latin; Middle French discussion, from Late Latin discussion-, discussio examination, investigation, from Latin, act of shaking, from discussus + -ion-, -io -ion 1. a. : consideration of a question in open usually informal debate : argument for the sake of arriving at truth or clearing up difficulties < nothing promotes intellect like intellectual discussion — Walter Bagehot > b. : a formal or orderly treatment of a topic in speech or writing : exposition, discourse < a recognized scholar … whose discussion … embodies the finest fruits of contemporary opinions and research — E.H.Swift > 2. obsolete : dissipation or resolution especially of a tumor 3. : the exhaustion of legal remedies against a principal debtor or his property before recourse is had to the surety |