释义 |
chas·ti·ty \ˈchastəd.ē, -aas-, -ətē, -i\ noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English chastete, chastitie, from Old French chasteté, from Latin castitat-, castitas, from castus pure + -itat-, -itas -ity — more at chaste 1. : the quality or state of being chaste: as a. : abstention from any sexual intercourse reprobated by religion or condemned by morality b. : abstention from all sexual intercourse c. : freedom from immorality and lewdness in act and intention : purity in act and will : decency, modesty d. : decorousness in design or expression often tending toward the severe : freedom from meretricious ornament, floridity, or tawdriness 2. : the obligation of lifelong celibacy and continence assumed in some monastic vows 3. : ethical integrity |