释义 |
check I. \ˈchek\ interjection Etymology: Middle English chek, interjection & noun — used to warn a chess opponent that his king is attacked II. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English chek check at chess, attack, quarrel, reproof, from Old French eschec, eschac check at chess, repulse, from Arabic shāh check at chess, from Persian, literally, king; akin to Avestan xshayeti he rules, has power, Sanskrit kṣavati he possesses, rules, Greek ktasthai to acquire 1. : exposure of a chess king to an opponent's piece in such a way that if it were not the king and not immediately protected (as by interposing another piece) it could be captured on the next move < with his king in check > < relieving the check > — see discovered check 2. a. : a sudden stoppage of a forward course or progress : a condition of impeded progress : arrest, repulse, stop < the outbreak of war in 1939 gave a sudden check to the sculptor's work — Herbert Read > b. obsolete : a fine imposed on servants of the royal household for neglect of duty c. 2stop 9 d. of a hunting dog : a temporary loss of scent while in pursuit of quarry e. : a legal or illegal checking of an opposing player or play in ice hockey — see back-check, board check, body check, cross-check, hook check, poke check, sweep check 3. : the interruption by a hawk of its pursuit of the proper quarry in order to pursue inferior game; also : the inferior game it pursues 4. : a typically sudden and sharp pause in a course : a break in a progression < the invaders coming in without a check > 5. archaic : reprimand, rebuke 6. an agency, force, condition, or provision likely to arrest progress, limit action, restrain power, or curb excess : restraint < a small minority of men of high character who acted as a check upon this irresponsible majority — Warren Grice > < I must put a check on these roving fancies of mine — T.B.Costain > a. : a person who acts to restrain or counter another < using one earl as a check on the other > b. : a provision conferring power on a governmental branch or agency to restrain others < the checks and balances of republican governments — John Adams > c. [by shortening] : checkrein d. : a mechanical device for curbing, braking, or otherwise limiting action < a door check preventing slamming > e. : a rope for checking the motion of a ship f. : damper 1a g. : a device in a fishing reel to control the running out of the line h. : the act of checking in poker 7. a. : supervision insuring accuracy, fitness, or due performance : control < under the check of the superintendent > b. a standard for testing and evaluation : criterion < any arbitrary formula too rigidly adhered to may endanger good writing, but a good set of principles used as a check and an aid may be very useful — F.L.Mott > c. : an examination, test, or other device for determining progress, condition, value, or accuracy; sometimes : a test performed by quick sampling < a check on a student's progress > d. : inspection, investigation < a loyalty check on government employees > e. : a ready source of information used in investigating or verifying < graphs serving as a check on our standing > f. : act of testing or verifying < making a check on the data > also : the material, sample, or unit used for such testing or verifying 8. a. : an area of land enclosed by embankments that confine irrigation water admitted by flooding b. : a gate for controlling water flow in an irrigation ditch 9. dialect : a light meal : snack 10. [so called from the use of the counterfoil to check forgery] a. obsolete : the counterfoil of a bank draft; also : a draft form with a counterfoil b. : a written order directing a bank or banker to pay money as therein stated : a draft drawn on a bank or banker payable on demand 11. a. : a card or small metal piece showing ownership, indicating payment of a charge or fee, identifying a person, or enabling him to make certain demands or claims : ticket, certificate < a baggage check > < a hat check > < a baseball rain check > b. : a token used in trade as a piece of money or as evidence of credit < an army post exchange check > < a check good for a bottle of beer > c. : a counter in various games (as card games) that is often cashed or otherwise turned in on leaving a game : chip < the piles of checks before the roulette players > d. : a tab or slip indicating an amount due : bill < our waitress finally brought the check > e. : checkroom < there's a hat check in the hotel lobby > 12. [Middle English chek, short for cheker checker (chessboard)] a. : a pattern in squares : a design that resembles a checkerboard b. : a fabric woven or printed with such a design c. : a square in such a design d. : a square made by vertical and horizontal lines to facilitate planned planting < planting the trees in checks > 13. : a mark typically ✓ placed beside an item to show its having been noted, examined, or verified 14. a. : crack, chink, break: (1) : a lengthwise separation in wood that usually extends across the annual growth rings and commonly results from stresses set up during seasoning — compare shake (2) : an almost imperceptible crack in steel caused by uneven quenching in hardening (3) : a short shallow crack in a paint, varnish, or lacquer film occurring as a result of age and disintegration of film b. plural checks also chex \-ks\ : a poultry egg with a minuscule break in the shell due to improper sealing but with unbroken membrane — contrasted with crack (sense 13) 15. : a rabbet-shaped cutting : rabbet, rebate • - in check III. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English cheken, from Middle French eschequier to play chess, put in check, defeat, from eschecs chess or eschec check transitive verb 1. : to place (a chess king) in check — see checkmate 2. : checkrow 3. now chiefly dialect : rebuke, reprimand 4. a. archaic : to penalize, fine, or mulct by withholding wages < check a deliquent servant > b. : garnishee, mulct < check a delinquent's salary > 5. a. : to bring to a sudden stop and halt the course, progress, or action of often abruptly, forcefully, and certainly < the army of the Huns under Attila had been checked and turned back at Châlons — Tom Wintringham > < he … went on pacing … but suddenly he checked himself, stood still for a moment — Joseph Conrad > b. : to block the progress of (an opposing hockey player or a hockey play) by a check 6. a. : to restrain or abate the course, action, or force of : cause to act more slowly with less force or effect : have the power or ability to restrain or control < the Parliament Act of 1911, which made our House of Lords less able to thwart or check the purposes of the House of Commons — Ernest Barker > b. : to slack or ease off and then belay again (as a purchase or rope) : stopper < check a cable when it's running out > 7. a. obsolete : drive < check thy fiery steeds — Shakespeare > b. : to hold in restraint : control : act as a check, curb, or counter to < check for a time the inward sweeping waves of melancholy — Louis Bromfield > 8. a. : to compare with source of information (as an original, another version, a record, or body of data) : verify < we checked our information by looking up meterological records — V.G.Heiser > < numerous scholars do not check quotations, references, or bibliographies — E.S.McCartney > — often used with with or against b. : to inspect and ascertain the condition of especially in order to determine that the condition is satisfactory : find out about : investigate and ensure accuracy, authenticity, reliability, safety, or satisfactory performance of < the applicant must be checked, much as a bank checks the credit rating of a would-be borrower — Craig Thompson > < incoming fishing boats were checked for radiation — Time > < I checked the ship out, testing the engine at full power — B.T.Guyton > c. : to note or mark often with a check as examined, verified, present, satisfactory, finished, or in order < check an inventory list > — often used with off < check off the names of men reporting > 9. a. : to consign for shipment typically as a service extended to the holder of a passenger ticket < check the trunk at the station > b. : to ship or accept for shipment under such a consignment arrangement < the agent checked our baggage through > 10. a. [Middle English cheken, from chek (square)] : to mark into squares : mark with a pattern of crossing lines : checker < check the cloth > b. : to mark (ground) to facilitate planting in squares < check the field with a marker > 11. [check (II) (token)] a. : to leave in safekeeping typically with receipt of a check or token indicating ownership < check your hat and coat at the theater > b. : to accept for safekeeping under such an arrangement < working in a nightclub checking hats > 12. [check (II) (crack)] : to make checks or chinks in : cause to crack < the sun checks timber > 13. [check (II) (draft)] : to use checks to withdraw or pay over (money held in a bank) — usually used with out < check out over a thousand dollars > intransitive verb 1. obsolete : to come into jarring conflict : clash < heat checking against cold > 2. falconry : to turn when in pursuit of proper game and fly after inferior game — used with at 3. obsolete : to take offense : become offended 4. a. of a dog : to stop in a chase especially when scent is lost b. : to halt suddenly : pause in one's procedure often through caution, uncertainty, or fear : stop < she checked for a moment in the dance and missed a step — Monica Ewer > < the train checked with a jolt — B.A.Williams > 5. : to prevent or hinder (as by a pad, cup, or ring) the escape of gas in a gun 6. a. : to investigate and make sure about conditions or circumstances : obtain confirmation or substantiation < checking on her passengers' safety belts — E.K.Gann > < he checked to be sure the Savo's deck was ready — J.A.Michener > b. : to correspond often detail for detail : agree, concur, tally < the description checks with the photograph > 7. : to draw a check (as upon a bank or banker) 8. poker a. : to bet one chip of lowest value in games in which one must bet or drop in each turn b. : to announce one's intention of postponing his right to bet with privilege of betting later in games in which this is permitted 9. : crack, split: a. : to crack open (as of wood in drying or as biscuits in cooling) b. : to develop small cracks (as of varnish or eggs) 10. a. : to check off or tally items in a list or group especially of prices b. : to place a check beside items in tallying, listing, or otherwise accounting for them Synonyms: see arrest, restrain • - check into - check on IV. adjective Etymology: in sense 1, from check (II) (square); in sense 2 & 3, from 2 &3check 1. : marked with checks : showing a check pattern : checked, checkered 2. : serving to check, stop, baffle, or regulate < a check valve > 3. : serving as a control : affording a likely means of verifying, correcting, codifying, or measuring < check areas in soils research projects > V. interjection Etymology: check (II) (mark) — used to express assent or agreement |