

单词 yield
释义 yield
I. \ˈyēld, esp before pause or consonant ˈyēəld\ verb
Etymology: Middle English yielden, yelden, for Old English gieldan, geldan; akin to Old High German geltan to pay, render, requite, Old Norse gjalda, Gothic forgildan, and perhaps to Old Slavic žlĕsti to pay
transitive verb
1. archaic : to give a reward to : recompense, requite, reward — used chiefly as an expression of gratitude or goodwill
 < tend me tonight two hours … and the gods yield you for't — Shakespeare >
2. : to give or render as fitting, rightfully owed, or required
 < yield him obedience in lawful things — G.P.R.James >
3. archaic : return 5b
 < he yielded to this suggestion a ready and rapturous assent — Charles Dickens >
 a. archaic : to hand over : deliver, offer, present
  < our soul cannot but yield you forth to public thanks — Shakespeare >
 b. : to grant as an act of grace or as a concession : give or bestow as a favor
  < the king yielded the citizens the right of justice — J.R.Green >
  < refused to yield passage >
5. : to give up possession of upon claim or demand: as
 a. : to give up (as one's breath, life, or spirit) and so die or expire
  < yielded up the ghost and was gathered unto his people — Gen 49:33 (Authorized Version) >
 b. : to surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another : hand over possession of
  < refused to yield the fortress to the enemy >
  — sometimes used with up
  < the Indians agreed … to yield up their British flags — Grace L. Nute >
 c. : to surrender or submit (oneself) to another
  < each Babylonian woman was in duty bound … to yield herself to a stranger — H.M.Parshley >
  < emotions do not yield themselves readily to a verbal pin — Ernest & Pearl Beaglehole >
 d. : to give (oneself) up to an inclination, temptation, or habit : submit, give over, or incline (oneself) to some influence : dedicate or devote (oneself) to something
  < a temptation to which he yielded himself — H.O.Taylor >
  < she yielded herself up … to the rhythm of a waltz — Victoria Sackville-West >
  (1) : to relinquish one's possession of (as a position of advantage or point of superiority)
   < yield precedence >
   < traffic required to yield right of way >
   < yielded the premiership to his rival >
  (2) : to relinquish (as the floor or a period of allotted speaking time) to another member of a legislative assembly
   < yield the floor to the senator from Nebraska >
 f. : to hand over or resign to the moral control of another : give to another the political, economic, or social direction of : relinquish
  < yield sovereignty to an international organization >
  < yielded her heart to another >
 a. obsolete : to acknowledge as being correctly specified : allow, concede
  < I yield it just … and submit — John Milton >
  (1) : to admit the validity or cogency of
   < yielded the point >
   < unwilling to yield the argument >
  (2) archaic : consent, agree
   < yielded to ask for mercy — Jane West >
 c. obsolete : to admit to be true : concede to be so
  < hard … to yield they have done amiss — Nicholas Rowe >
 a. : to bear or bring or put forth as a natural product especially as a result of cultivation
  < clover seed … yields from 6 to 10 bushels on the cutover lands — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
 b. : to furnish as output or as return or result of expended effort
  < their soil yields treasures of every kind — H.T.Buckle >
 c. : to produce as a result : give as a product
  < this prediction is susceptible of a test which yields a yes or no answer — J.B.Conant >
 d. : to give up in response to one's efforts : render as the result of the application of skill, persistence, or hard work
  < words, under the analyses now indicated, yield the history of their origin — Edward Clodd >
  — often used with up
  < caves … which have not yet yielded up their secrets to the eyes of man — Bill Beatty >
8. : to give forth : discharge, emit
 < air-swept lindens yield their scent — Matthew Arnold >
 a. : to produce or furnish to supply a need : provide for use or to serve a purpose : afford
  < cotton can be treated to yield a series of products — Industrial & Engineering Chemistry >
  < several makes of engine yield considerably more power — Grenville Manton >
  < the language too condensed to yield quotable lines — J.D.Hart >
 b. : to give rise to : cause, occasion
  < the election yielded only one surprise >
  (1) : to produce as return from an expenditure or investment : furnish as profit or interest : pay, return
   < an investment that now yields him 6 percent >
   < first steam whaler afloat … yielded $151,000 net — American Guide Series: Connecticut >
   < it will prosper and yield a fair return on the … investment — Leo Wolman >
  (2) : to produce as revenue : bring in
   < a levy … was proposed in order to yield £4 million — Alzada Comstock >
 d. obsolete : to present to view : exhibit
10. : to give up (as a run or hit) in baseball
 < yielded a triple to left >
intransitive verb
1. : to make or give a return : be fruitful or productive : bear, produce
 < the impoverished soil would not yield without application of fertilizers — American Guide Series: Maryland >
 < the apple trees did not yield well this year >
2. : to give up and cease resistance or contention: as
 a. : to surrender and concede being defeated, vanquished, or worsted
  < the enemy suddenly yielded — M.R.Cohen >
 b. : to cease opposition : give up the contest : submit, succumb
  < after several hours of debate, the opposition yielded >
 c. : to cease to withstand the effect of some action
  < short words which nowhere yield to analysis — Edward Sapir >
  < whole passages yield neatly when translated by shorthand — Fletcher Pratt >
 d. : to agree to accept or comply with something : exhibit willingness rather than opposition : defer
  < yielded to the secondary role for which his talent equipped him — Van Wyck Brooks >
3. : to give way to pressure or influence exerted upon one : submit to urging, persuasion, or entreaty : consent or agree to something : cease opposition or objection to something : comply with something
 < if you yield to that impulse — T.B.Costain >
 < yield to the urgent invitation — D.S.Muzzey >
 < refused to yield to their demands >
 < yields to her seducer with hardly a struggle — T.S.Eliot >
 a. : to give way under physical force so as to bend, stretch, or break
  < the dirt road was so soft it yielded to the foot like a feather bed — American Guide Series: New York City >
  < nylon does not yield to stretch as readily as rubber yarns — W.E.Shinn >
 b. : to lose power of resistance to some physical action or agent (as pressure, friction, or heat) so as to be affected by it
  < ores that yield readily to reduction processes — American Guide Series: Washington >
  < the door suddenly yielded to her hand — Jane Austen >
 c. : to permit oneself to be deflected : change one's course in deference : turn aside
  < refused to yield a particle from his resolution >
 a. : to give place or precedence (as to one having superior right or claim) : acknowledge the superiority of someone else
  < I yield to no one in my respect for his creative program — R.N.Denney >
  < the way of life of these peoples must yield to the culture of the white man — Current Biography >
  < the acts of New York must yield to the law of Congress — John Marshall >
 b. : to be inferior in some often specified respect
  < their mutton yields to ours but their beef is excellent — Jonathan Swift >
 c. : to give way to or be succeeded by someone or something else
  < pavements … yielded to dirt roads — Giorgio de Santillana >
  < the cold thin air of the mountains yielded to sweltering heat as they descended — Bernard De Voto >
  < hard conditions of life … yielded to more propitious circumstances — Van Wyck Brooks >
6. : to relinquish the floor of a legislative assembly (as for a period of time or a question)
 < yield to the senator from Connecticut >
 submit, capitulate, succumb, bow, defer, relent: yield is a general term referring to any sort of giving in before force, domination, argument, entreaty, appeal
  < after some further argument I yielded the point — W.H.Hudson †1922 >
  < went into the Peace Conference willing to yield everything to English interests — H.L.Mencken >
  < not a man to yield weakly — Havelock Ellis >
  submit more strongly indicates giving up after conflict, contention, or resistance to the will, control, or disposition of another
  < not only has faith in divine Providence but submits to it humbly — Herbert Agar >
  < must submit ourselves to the will of God — Mary Austin >
  < tamely submitted to the rebuffs — A.T.Quiller-Couch >
  capitulate centers attention on a definite act of surrendering or giving up to a stronger force or power
  < how easily we capitulate to badges and names, to large societies and dead institutions — R.W.Emerson >
  < the universities would capitulate to a young, vigorous and revolutionary creed, in tune with the Zeitgeist — Walter Moberly >
  succumb is likely to indicate utter yielding through weakness or exhaustion
  < succumbing before the barbarian invasions — H.O.Taylor >
  < presidents who have attempted independent action have soon succumbed to the power of the government — Ernest Barker >
  bow may be used in reference to situations in which a party that has not been vanquished gives in or yields for politic or courteous reasons
  < their habit of bowing to public opinion — Bertrand Russell >
  < bowed to political expediency and requested Blair's resignation — W.E.Smith >
  < soon learned to bow before his wife's more stormy moods — Samuel Butler †1902 >
  defer strongly connotes yielding brought about by respect for another or for his position or authority
  < everybody must defer … a nation must wait upon her decision, a dean and chapter truckle to her wishes — Victoria Sackville-West >
  < the banker who was a free man, who ran his own bank in his own way, deferring only slightly to the nonsense of the federal bank inspectors — W.A.White >
  relent is used in situations in which a dominant party abates his rigor or mollifies his wrath because of entreaty, consideration, or resurgence of easier nature
  < might have relented and repented having wrung a promise from her — Margaret Deland >
Synonym: see in addition bear, relinquish.
II. noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English yelde, from yelden to yield
1. : something (as the amount, quantity, or product) yielded: as
  (1) : the aggregate of products resulting from growth or cultivation
   < a goodly yield of fruit — Francis Bacon >
   < an increased yield per acre >
   < yields average over twenty pounds of fruit per plant — Irish Independent >
  (2) : the aggregate of products resulting from a chemical reaction and usually expressed as the percentage actually obtained of the amount theoretically possible
  (3) : the amount of explosive energy expended by a nuclear explosion usually expressed in kilotons of TNT that would produce an explosion resulting in the expending of the same amount of energy
 b. : the quantity of a product resulting from exploitation of natural resources
  < the yield of a well in barrels of oil >
  < fishermen … are finding that the yield per hour of trawling is dropping — Irish Digest >
 c. : the revenue obtained from a tax or levy
 d. : the return upon a financial investment usually expressed as a percentage of cost
  < the yield on a bond >
  < a 45 yield >
 e. : the actual or the normal product of a stand of timber
 f. : the number of proof gallons of spirit obtained from a bushel of grain in distilling
 a. : the capacity of yielding produce or other product
  < a fruit belt owes its abundant yield to climatic conditions — American Guide Series: Michigan >
 b. : the capacity to yield under pressure or tension
  < a material with high yield >




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