释义 |
ob·stet·ric \əbzˈte.trik, əbˈst-, (ˈ)äbz|t-, (ˈ)äb|st-, -rēk\ adjective or ob·stet·ri·cal \-rə̇kəl, -rēk-\ Etymology: obstetric probably from (assumed) New Latin obstetricus, from Latin obstetric-, obstetrix midwife, literally, one who stands before (i.e., to receive the child), from obstare to stand before; obstetrical from Latin obstetric-, obstetrix + English -al — more at obstacle : of or relating to obstetrics : belonging to or associated with pregnancy and childbirth < obstetric shock > < the obstetric canal > • ob·stet·ri·cal·ly \-rə̇k(ə)lē, -rēk-, -li\ adverb |