

单词 obtain
释义 ob·tain
\əbˈtān., äb-\ verb
Etymology: Middle English obteinen, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French obtenir, from Latin obtinēre to take hold of, from ob- to, completely + -tinēre (from tenēre to hold) — more at ob-, thin
transitive verb
 a. : to gain or attain possession or disposal of usually by some planned action or method
  < ability to doubt until evidence is obtained — John Dewey >
  < obtaining the information easily >
 b. : to bring about or call into being : effect
  < obtain quiet for their annual meetings — American Guide Series: New York City >
2. obsolete : hold, keep, possess, occupy
 < he who obtains the monarchy of heaven — John Milton >
3. obsolete : to arrive at : attain, reach
intransitive verb
1. archaic : succeed
2. obsolete : attain, arrive — used with to or unto
3. : to have a firm footing : become recognized or established : be prevalent or general
 < the custom obtains of going to the seashore in summer >
 < a greater degree of free expression than usually obtains in film production — Roger Manvell >
Synonyms: see get




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