释义 |
cheva·lier \|shevə|li(ə)r, -liə or (esp in senses other than 1a & 3) shəˈvalˌyā or -äl- or -ȧl- or ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English chevaler, from Middle French chevalier, from Late Latin caballarius horseman — more at cavalier 1. a. archaic : horseman; especially : cavalier 3 b. (1) : a member of certain orders of knighthood (2) : a member of the lowest rank of a French order of merit < the coveted ribbon of the chevalier of the Legion of Honor — W.H.Downes > 2. a. : a member of the lowest rank of French nobility b. : a cadet of the French nobility 3. : a chivalrous man |