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dish I. \ˈdish\ noun (-es) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English, from Old English disc plate; akin to Old Saxon disk table, Old High German tisc dish, table; all from a prehistoric West Germanic word borrowed from Latin discus dish, disk, quoit, from Greek diskos, from dikein to throw 1. a. : a large shallow more or less concave vessel (as a platter) in which food is brought to the table for serving; broadly : any open vessel (as a tureen) similarly used < a deep vegetable dish > b. obsolete : alms dish 1 c. archaic : a drinking vessel d. dishes plural : table utensils — used especially of those of pottery or china as distinguished from glass drinking vessels and metal implements but sometimes used inclusively < I'll get out the dishes while you lay the silver > < you must wash the dishes before you go out > 2. a. : food prepared for the table in a particular fashion < a dish of boiled potatoes > often : food prepared according to a specified cuisine < tasty Armenian dishes > b. : something (as a literary work) resembling a dish of food especially in combining varied ingredients properly blended and seasoned < the yeastiest dish on TV this season — Time > c. : cup of tea < marriage was scarcely his dish > d. slang : an alluring young woman < what a dish my blind date turned out to be > 3. a. : the contents of a dish; usually : food or drink served in a dish < a dish of strawberries > b. : the capacity of a dish : the quantity measured by a dish : dishful c. dialect Britain : a trough about 28 inches long, 4 inches deep, and 6 inches wide in which ore is measured d. dialect Britain : the portion of a mine's product that is paid to the landowner or proprietor e. dialect Britain : a gallon of tin ore ready for the smelter 4. a. : any of various shallow concave vessels (as an evaporating dish); broadly : something that in shallow concavity is felt to resemble a dish (as a hollow in land or one between the eyes of certain mammals) b. : the state of being concave or the degree of concavity present < the dish of a wheel > c. slang : home plate d. : a microwave antenna that is often paraboloid in form and usually highly directive in wave reflection II. verb (-ed/-ing/-es) transitive verb 1. a. : to put (as food for serving) into a dish or dishes — often used with up b. : to present for acceptance — usually used with up < dished up another explanation > c. : to make widely known : disseminate — usually used with up < dishing up the latest scandal > 2. a. : to make concave like a dish < a boiler with both ends dished > — often used with in < several car tops were dished in by the concussion > b. : hollow < dish a gutter > — often used with out 3. chiefly Britain a. : circumvent, outwit, cheat b. : defeat, ruin 4. : to get rid of : set aside : shelve intransitive verb 1. : to become concave in the middle — used especially of spoke wheels < the rim hit a rock and the wheel dished > 2. of a horse : to swing the forefeet sideways in trotting 3. slang : to talk casually : chat, chatter III. noun : gossip < inside dish about the most powerful book-review medium — Walter Clemons > IV. transitive verb 1. : to talk or gossip about especially disparagingly < at the bar in the lobby, dishing the show — Couri Hay > — often used in the phrases dish the dirt or dish dirt < dishing the dirt about some married friends of ours — Clare B. Luce > < dishing some dirt about his rambunctious private life — Time > 2. : to pass (a basketball) to a teammate — often used with off intransitive verb 1. : gossip ; also : to disclose private or personal information 2. : to pass a basketball to a teammate — often used with off |