释义 |
zeug·ma \ˈzügmə\ noun (-s) Etymology: Latin zeugmat-, zeugma, from Greek, literally, juncture, joining, from zeugnynai to yoke, join — more at yoke 1. : the use of a word in the same construction with two adjacent words in the context with only one of which it is appropriate in sense < they wear a garment like that of the Scythians but a language peculiar to themselves is an example of zeugma > — compare syllepsis 2. : connection of syllables not permitting diaeresis or caesura in classical prosody : close juncture • zeug·mat·ic \(ˈ)züg|mad.]ik, -at], ]ēk\ adjective • zeug·mat·i·cal·ly \]ə̇k(ə)lē, ]ēk-, -li\ adverb |