

单词 chip
释义 chip
I. \ˈchip\ noun
Etymology: Middle English; probably akin to Old English -cippian to cut
 a. : a small usually somewhat thin and flat piece of wood, stone, or other material separated by a quick blow (as with a cutting or striking instrument) or by natural flaking : fragment, flake
 b. : a small piece of food
  < chocolate chips >
  (1) : a thin slice of cooked or uncooked food
   < orange chips >
  especially : potato chip
  (2) : french fry
 c. : palm leaf, straw, or wood split into thin pieces for making women's hats
  (1) : a metal often continuous fragment or curl cut during machining from material being machined
  (2) : the thread of material cut from a blank during the process of disc recording
  (1) : a small piece from a crystal
  (2) : a piece of usually uncut diamond weighing less than three fourths of a carat
   < wearing a diamond chip ring — Betty Smith >
 f. chiefly Britain
  (1) or chip basket : a ventilated container (as for fruit) made of thin sheets of split wood commonly overlapped at the bottom and secured at the upper edge by a band of similar wood
  (2) : the contents of such a container
   < strawberries at two shillings a chip >
  (1) : chipboard
  (2) : a logged wood for use in pulp manufacture
 h. chips plural : soap in flakes or granules
 i. : one of the thin slices or shreds into which beets are cut in sugar making — called also cossette
 j. : a small piece of bark (as of cinchona or cinnamon)
  (1) : something valueless or trivial
   < I don't care a chip for his views >
  (2) : something small of its kind : bit
   < a chip of a lad >
 b. : something dried up, withered, or flavorless
  < meat roasted to a chip >
3. : something having the distinctive qualities of that from which it is derived or taken — used chiefly of persons with reference to resemblance of child to parent
 < Jack's exactly like his father, he's a real chip off the old block >
4. : the triangular piece of wood attached to the end of a log line
5. : a coin or a unit (as a small disk) equivalent to a coin in value:
 a. : one of the counters used as a token for money in poker and other games of chance and usually of a distinctive color to indicate its relative value : check 11c
 b. : a playing counter in such games as tiddledywinks
 c. chips plural, slang : money — used especially in the phrase in the chips
 d. slang Britain : any of various coins (as a shilling, rupee, or sovereign)
 e. : something that is hazarded on some issue or the interest that one holds in some venture
  < the industrialists that had their chips on Hitler >
  < bargaining chip >
6. : a piece of dried dung — usually used in combination
 < a cow chip >
 < buffalo chips >
7. : a flaw in a surface remaining after a chip has been removed
 < a cup with a chip in its rim >
8. : chip shot
9. : beach 3

- chip on one's shoulder
II. verb
(chipped ; chipped ; chipping ; chips)
Etymology: Middle English chippen, from Old English -cippian (as in forcippian to cut off); akin to obsolete German kipfen to cut the point off, Middle Low German kēp notch, Old Norse keipr oarlock
transitive verb
1. obsolete : to cut the crust from (bread)
2. now dialect England : to fissure the surface of : crack, chap
 a. : to cut or hew with or as if with an ax, chisel, or other edged tool : chop, hack
 b. : to cut or break (a small piece) from something
  < chip a piece off the rock >
  : cut or break a fragment from
  < chip my best platter >
  < with the egg tooth the young bird chips the shell >
 c. : to shape (a material or an object) by cutting or breaking away a little at a time
  < chip flint to a point >
  < chip an arrowhead out of flint >
 d. : to cut or break up into fragments
  < chip ice >
  : reduce to chips (as wood for pulping)
 e. : to decorate (as silver or enamel) by cutting chips from or chasing
4. : to cut a piece or pieces of bark from (a tree) especially in tapping for turpentine
5. Australia : hoe, harrow
6. slang Britain : chaff, banter, taunt
intransitive verb
1. obsolete : to break into bud, shoot, or blossom : germinate
2. : to break or fly off in small pieces
 < fine porcelain often chips less readily than softer ware >
 a. : to bet one chip or a minimum amount in a poker game : check vi 8a
 b. : to play a chip (as in stops) when unable to play a card
4. : to play a chip shot
5. of an egg : pip 2b
III. verb
(chipped ; chipped ; chipping ; chips)
Etymology: perhaps from chip (II)
transitive verb
dialect England : to trip or throw in wrestling
intransitive verb
1. dialect England : to trip along nimbly
2. dialect England : quarrel — often used with out
IV. noun
: a trick or special attack for throwing a wrestling opponent
V. intransitive verb
(chipped ; chipped ; chipping ; chips)
Etymology: imitative
: cheep I
VI. noun
: cheep II
VII. noun
 a. : integrated circuit herein
 b. : a small wafer of semiconductor material that forms the base for an integrated circuit
 a. : a soft high pass or shot over a defender's head in soccer
 b. : a return shot in tennis made by hitting down on the ball to give it backspin
VIII. transitive verb
1. : to hit (a return in tennis) with backspin
2. : to kick (a soccer ball) in a soft high arc
intransitive verb
: to make a chip (as in soccer or tennis)




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