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offset I. \ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun (plural offsets) Etymology: off (III) + set, n. (after set off, v.) 1. a. archaic : outset, start b. : cessation — opposed to onset < rapid regular beating of the heart … characterized by sudden onset and sudden offset — H.J.Stewart > 2. a. (1) : a short prostrate lateral shoot arising from the base of the parent plant (as a houseleek) (2) : a small bulb arising from the base of a mother bulb b. : a lateral or collateral branch of a family or race : offshoot c. : a spur from a range of hills or mountains d. : a short drift or crosscut driven from a main level or gangway of a mine 3. a. : a horizontal ledge on the face of a wall, pier, or buttress formed by a diminution of its thickness above b. : a level terrace on a bank or hillside c. : horizontal displacement in faulting of strata from previous alignment : strike slip d. : an abrupt change in the dimension or profile of an object (as a bowl) or the part set off by such change 4. : something that sets off to advantage or embellishes something else : foil 5. a. : an abrupt bend in an object (as a pipe or rod) by which one part is turned aside out of line but nearly parallel with the rest; also : the part thus bent aside b. : a short distance measured usually at right angles from a line (as to a boundary in computing the area of an irregular-shaped piece of land or to a continuation of a line parallel to itself at some distance away to avoid an obstruction) c. : the distance of any point in a ship's structure from one of the three reference planes measured normal to that plane 6. : something that serves to counterbalance or to compensate for something else < the offset of a century of industry was the universal ugliness — Sacheverell Sitwell > specifically : either of two equivalent items on the two sides of an account < these agencies … borrow money in order to relend it, and have offsets consisting of debts owed them — New Republic > 7. : offset well 8. [from past participle of offset (II) ] a. : unintentional transfer of ink (as from the surface of a freshly printed sheet to the back of the sheet placed on top of it); also : the ink or image so transferred — called also setoff b. or offset lithography : a printing process in which an inked impression (usually from a dampened planographic surface) is first made on a rubber-blanketed cylinder and then transferred to the paper being printed — compare dry offset, lithography, photo-offset, planography 9. : a rip current running out from or along a beach : sea puss 10. : difference in value or direction : deviation, discrepancy < modern man cannot divest himself of his desire to act in the old way … the result is an offset between his desires and his possibilities — W.P.Webb > II. \ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷\ verb Etymology: off (I) + set, v. transitive verb 1. a. : to place over against : balance < offset items of deposit and withdrawal > b. : counterbalance, compensate < had speed enough to offset his opponents' greater weight > 2. : to form an offset in (as a wall, rod, pipe) 3. geology : to move horizontally to one side out of alignment by faulting 4. : to transfer (an inked impression) from one surface to another by contact intransitive verb : to receive an unintentionally transferred impression : set off < interleaving to prevent offsetting > III. adjective Etymology: from past participle of offset (II) 1. : placed or moved out of line or out of the center < fishing rod with offset handle > < offset wheels > 2. : neither parallel nor intersecting — used especially of the axes of gears or pulleys 3. : printed by the offset method < an offset postage stamp > |