

单词 dismay
释义 dis·may
I. \də̄ˈs]mā sometimes də̇zˈ]\ verb
Etymology: Middle English dismayen, from (assumed) Old French desmaiier (whence Spanish desmayar to dishearten, depress), from Old French des- dis- (I) + -maiier (as in esmaiier to dismay, fr — assumed — Vulgar Latin exmagare, from Latin ex out of, from + a word stem of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German magan to be able) — more at ex-, may
transitive verb
 a. : to take away the courage or resolution of with alarm or fear : daunt
  < shocked and dismayed … by the condescension and contempt to be found at every turn — H.J.Morgenthau >
 b. : to check suddenly the enthusiasm of : disillusion, disenchant
  < the boy was dismayed to see his idol drunk and in disarray >
 c. : upset, perturb, alarm
  < the naïve scientific belief that the whole is nothing but its parts which so dismayed and irritated Goethe — Philip Toynbee >
2. : to put to rout : subdue
intransitive verb
obsolete : to become daunted, disheartened, or terrified
 appall, horrify, daunt: dismay indicates disconcerting, disabling, unnerving, or depriving of morale and initiative through blended fear, dread, perplexity, or discouragement
  < who in one lifetime sees all causes lost, herself dismayed and helpless — Muriel Rukeyser >
  < an opponent that more than once puzzled Roosevelt, and in the end flatly dismayed him — H.L.Mencken >
  appall suggests striking with overwhelming dread or with powerlessness before the monstrous, enormous, or shocking
  < appalled by the magnitude of the tragedy — C.G.Bowers >
  < the ruffians were so utterly appalled, not only by the false powers of magic, but by veritable powers of majesty and eloquence, that they let her do what she would — Charles Kingsley >
  < the immense modern Cosmos in which we live — the great Creation of granite, planned in such immeasurable proportions, and moved by so pitiless a mechanism, that it sometimes appalls even its own creators — L.P.Smith >
  horrify indicates striking with horror at the ghastly or gruesome or revulsion at the hideously offensive; weakened, it is a synonym for shock
  < to developed sensibilities the facts of war are revolting and horrifying — Aldous Huxley >
  < she horrified London society by pouring hot tea on a gentleman who displeased her — American Guide Series: Virginia >
  < Massachusetts owners, horrified by the loss of profits — American Guide Series: Massachusetts >
  daunt indicates a cowing, subduing, disheartening, or frightening in a venture requiring courage
  < no adventure daunted her and risks stimulated her — Havelock Ellis >
  < the attempt to draw the future frontiers of Europe is a daunting and ticklish enterprise — Times Literary Supplement >
II. noun
 a. : sudden loss of courage or resolution by reason of alarm or fear : consternation
  < facing with dismay a force too powerful to resist >
 b. : sudden loss of enthusiasm for something : disillusionment, disenchantment
 c. : perturbation, alarm
  < views with dismay the fact that one of his sons may choose to become a composer — Huntington Hartford >
2. obsolete : a condition or a result that dismays : destruction, ruin
Synonyms: see fear




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