单词 | on |
释义 | on I. 1. a. — used as a function word to indicate position over and in contact with that which supports from beneath < the book is on the table > < was built on an island > < kept his hands on the desk > b. — used as a function word to indicate presence within < rode there on a train > < booked passage on an ocean liner > c. — used as a function word to indicate situation along a whole surface < a streak on the wall running from top to bottom > or at any particular point on a surface < there wasn't a mark on it > or to indicate situation at the projecting usually supporting edge or point or end of something < their clothes hung on a couple of nails in the wall > or situation inside of something (as clothing) worn by or covering the principal object of attention < found a knife on him > 2. — used as a function word to indicate contiguity or dependence; especially (1) contact and support from elsewhere than beneath < a fly on the ceiling > < hanging on the wall > (2) location closely adjoining something < a town situated on the river > or location very near some point of a narrowly extended area (as a street) < lives on the principal street of the town > (3) imminence or beginning (as of some action or activity) < the storm is on us > (4) connection or employment or activity with or in or with regard to something < works on the committee > < is now on the third problem > < will be on duty > < has long been successful on the stage > (5) engagement in doing something < are now on a tour around the country > (6) source or support or basis on which something (as an action, opinion) turns or rests < learned it on good authority > < his reliance on her > < will do it on one condition > 3. a. — used as a function word to indicate position with regard to place, direction, or time; especially (1) position with regard to a point of the compass < on the west are rolling plains > (2) position near a specified part of something < on the side of the house is a garden > (3) occurrence during the course of a specified day < will see them on Monday > or of some other divisions of time < said she would write on the morrow > or at a set time < trains leave here every hour on the hour > (4) occurrence at the same time as or following or as a result of something < will send a check on receipt of the book > < will do it on your arrival > < was uneasy on arriving home and finding no one there > b. — used as a function word to indicate location in or progress along something taken as a standard < is on the right road > < a boat keeping on course > 4. a. — used as a function word to indicate involvement in a specified condition < the house is on fire > < beer on tap > < merchandise on sale > or process < business is on an upturn > b. — used as a function word to indicate participation in a condition of privilege < has been on sick leave > or subjection to a condition of restriction < is on probation > 5. — used as a function word to indicate manner < did it on the sly > < cut it on the bias > 6. — used as a function word to indicate the object of action or motion; especially (1) the object of action or motion coming especially down from above so as to touch or strike the surface or cover the upper part < watched the rain fall on the earth > < put a lid on the jar > (2) the object of action or motion directed up to or against the object < crept up on him > < marched on the ancient fortress > (3) the object of action or motion directed toward the object without actual physical contact < smiled on her > < blamed it on them > < was always bent on fighting > (4) the object of some emotion < had pity on them > or formality < served an injunction on him > or obligation < a charge on an overdue book > (5) the object in connection with which payment, computation of interest, reduction, or similar settlement is made < paid off a substantial sum on the mortgage > < creditors received about 75 cents on the dollar > < a rebate of 15 cents on a ton > < an inroad on supplies > 7. a. < agreed on a price > < a monopoly on wheat > < a satire on society > < at variance on what to do > b. chiefly dialect < be not jealous on me — Shakespeare > 8. — used as a function word to indicate means or agency < cut her finger on a knife > < playing the latest hits on the piano > < heard it on the radio > 9. — used as a function word to indicate reduplication or succession in a series < trouble on trouble followed his involvement with her > < loss on loss > 10. — used as a function word to indicate an object of reference; especially (1) an object having some advantage or disadvantage < is very talented but has nothing on her brother who is a real genius > < his brother has two inches on him in reach > (2) an object subjected to expense or cost < drinks are on the house > < the joke was on me > (3) an object that bears some stress or strain < long hours began to tell on him > (4) an object subjected to indicated annoyance < the fire went out on him > < don't try to pull that on me > or discomfiture or some other unwanted or detrimental thing II. 1. < the plates are on > < put a jazz recording on > 2. < has suspenders on > < put a clean shirt on > < keep your hat on > 3. a. (1) < spent a day there and then went on to the next town > < from here on you'll need help > (2) < will do it later on > < did not see her until well on in the evening > < was well on in years > b. < read on late into the night > < spoke on without hesitation > < slept peacefully on > c. < a tradition handed on through the centuries > < pass the note on > 4. a. < the radio was on > < turn the lights on > : in or into a functioning state : in or into a state of activity < the water is on > < the electricity finally came on > b. < the light switch is on > < had a large fish on > : in or into an operative position < the brake is on > 5. < two speeches had already been given and he was told he would be on next > < has worked two nights and will also be on tomorrow night > < a well-known star will be on in the role when the show opens > 6. a. < the two cars smashed together head on > < the boats collided bows on > b. < didn't want to play but preferred simply to look on > 7. < has nothing particular on for tonight > 8. < wasn't on to what had happened > : in or into a knowledgeable state about something < quickly got on to what they were trying to do > — usually used with to 9. < told them about the plan and asked if they were on > 10. printing < printed eight on > 11. III. 1. cricket < an on hit > < an on drive > 2. cricket < an on stroke > 3. < the water was on > IV. |
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