

单词 cicerone
释义 cicerone
I. cic·e·ro·ne \ˌsisəˈrōnē, ˌchichə-, ˌchēchə-, -ni\ noun
(plural cicero·ni \-(ˌ)nē, _ni\ ; or cicerones)
Etymology: Italian, after Cicerone Cicero; from the talkativeness of guides
1. : a guide who conducts sightseers to places or objects of interest (as a museum or a monument)
2. : guide, mentor
II. cic·e·rone \“, | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|rōn\ transitive verb
(ciceroned ; ciceroned ; cicero·ne·ing \-ˈrōnēiŋ\ ; or cice·ron·ing \-|rōniŋ\ ; cicerones)
: to act as cicerone to : show the sights to




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