

单词 open
释义 open
I. \ˈōpən, esp before consonants -pəm\ adjective
(opener \-p(ə)nə(r)\ ; openest \-p(ə)nə̇st\)
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German offan open, Old Norse opinn; all from a prehistoric North Germanic-West Germanic past participle of a verb derived from the root of Old English ūp up
1. : so arranged or governed as to permit ingress, egress, or passage: as
 a. : having no enclosing or confining barrier : free from fences, boundaries, or other restrictive margins
  < an open village >
  < the open moor >
  (1) : adjusted in a position that permits passage : not shut or fast
   < an open door >
   < these open gates >
  (2) : having a movable barrier so adjusted
   < the house is open >
  (1) : not stopped by a finger
   < the four open strings of a violin >
  (2) : unstopped by the hand or by a mute
   < open horn >
  (3) : produced by an open string or on a wind instrument by the lip without the use of slides, valves, or keys
   < open tone or note >
  (4) : having clarity and resonance unimpaired by undue tension or constriction of the throat
   < an open vocal tone >
 a. : completely free from concealment : exposed to general or particular perception or knowledge
  < now lay open all your plans >
  < an open ballot >
  < open total war >
 b. : free from reserve or pretense : natural, forthright, and free : not concealing or intended to conceal one's thoughts or actions
  < very open about his plans >
  < open and uninhibited in speech >
  < a very open manner >
 a. : having no roof, lid, or other covering
  < an open boat >
 b. : having no protective or concealing cover : bare, naked
  < open wiring >
  < laying the arm open to the bone >
  (1) obsolete, of the face : uncovered, unabashed
  (2) : not covered with wool or enshrouding hair
   < a ewe with an open face >
 d. : lacking some immaterial protection : liable, subject
  < open to infection >
  < open to challenge >
  (1) : not covered, enclosed, or scabbed over
   < an open lesion >
   < an open running ulcer >
  (2) : not involving or encouraging a covering (as by bandages or overgrowth of tissue) or enclosure
   < open treatment of burns >
  (3) : shedding the infective agent to the exterior
   < open tuberculosis >
  (1) : not completely enclosed by defining lines
   < an open drawing >
  (2) : not defined by a figure or outline — used in the phrase open color
  (1) : lacking covers or parts that restrict ventilation : not enclosed
   < an open motor >
  (2) : free 13e
 h. : using a plain language text in conjunction with code or cipher: as
  (1) : using a concealment cipher
  (2) : using a jargon code
 a. : requiring no special status, identification, or permit for entry or participation : generally available or known
  < this house is open to all that need help >
  < an open Communion service >
  < an open secret >
 b. : not restricted to a particular group or category of participants
  < open to the public >
  < open bowling >
 c. : enterable by both amateur and professional contestants
  < an open golf tournament >
 d. : enterable by competitors of different classes
  < open to dogs of all breeds >
5. : fit to be traveled over or through : presenting no serious obstacle to passage or view: as
 a. : free from hampering obstructions
  < an open stretch of road >
 b. : free from woods, buildings, or large rocks
  < an open field >
  < open country >
 c. : presenting no surface impediment (as ice) or underwater hazard (as shoals) to the passage of a boat
  (1) : unobstructed by congestion
   < open sinuses >
  (2) : not constipated
   < open bowels >
  (1) : relatively free from snow and cold
   < open winter >
  (2) : not foggy or misty
   < as the sun warmed the air patches of open water began to appear >
  (3) : not frozen solid
   < an open harbor >
 a. obsolete : lying or sailing in full view
 b. : having a visible opening between
  < steer so as to keep the two spires open >
 a. : spread out : unfolded : having the parts or surfaces laid back in an expanded position : not drawn together, folded, or contracted
  < an open letter >
  < left the book open >
  < an open rose >
 b. : removed from a carcass by splitting down the mid-ventral line and along the inner surfaces of each limb and cured and dressed flat
  < an open hide >
 a. obsolete : uttered with the mouth open
  (1) of a vowel : low 1a (5)
  (2) of one of two vowels constituting a pair because similar in articulation or orthography or in both : formed with the tongue in a lower position
   < Italian has an open e >
  (3) : characterized by moderate lip-rounding
  (4) of a consonant : formed with the articulating organs narrowed without contact or with loose contact (as \s\ or \ḵ\) : continuant, spirant, fricative — contrasted with stopped
  (1) : available to use : accessible, suitable, usable : free and unoccupied
   < keep an hour open on Friday >
   < the invitation is still open >
   < there are only two courses open to us >
  (2) : not now pregnant
   < an open heifer >
 b. : available for consideration or decision : adjustable according to the requirements of circumstances : not finally closed or determined
  < considered it an open question >
 c. : kept available for future custom
  < an open pattern >
  < open stocks >
 d. : remaining available for use or filling until canceled
  < an open order for four more >
  : operative : not terminated or liquidated
 e. : legally available for hunting, fishing, and similar sports
  < an open season on deer >
  < an open brook >
 f. : unoccupied and undefended by military forces and divested of any military installation and when so proclaimed and acknowledged immune under international law from enemy bombardment
  < an open city >
10. : characterized by ready accessibility and usually cooperative attitude: as
 a. : generous in giving
 b. : willing to hear and consider or to accept and deal with : responsive
  < open to suggestion >
  < open to an offer >
 c. : permitting the registration of a high-grade animal conforming to breed type as well as of an animal having both sire and dam registered
  < an open studbook >
 d. : accessible to the influx of new factors (as new members and ideas or foreign goods)
  < an open class system >
  < an open market >
 e. : tolerant of internal change (as by social mobility, reforms, and the development of new ideas, values, and customs) and permissive of diversity in social, religious, and political institutions
  < an open society >
11. : having openings, interruptions, interstices, or spaces
 < open banks >
 < open open-grained lumber >
 a. : light, porous, and friable so as to be easily tilled and receptive to water infiltration
  < open soil >
 b. : sparsely distributed : scattered
  < open population >
  (1) : having relatively wide spacing between words or lines
   < open type >
   < open printed matter >
  (2) : having each leaf separate and distinct from the others after the bolts are opened or trimmed off
   < the open signatures of a book >
 d. : having the warp threads of a shed always divided into two sections and never coming together as one section
 e. : having cambium between the xylem and phloem portions — used of a vascular bundle
  (1) : widely apart — used of dancers or the position of their feet
  (2) : having the participants well separated — used of a dance or dance figure
 g. : characterized by open-chain structure
 h. : granular, hard
  < soap in an open condition >
  — used in soap manufacturing
12. : ready to operate : actively functioning : active
 < the store is open from 9 to 5 >
 < an open microphone >
  (1) : characterized by lack of effective control or regulation of various commercial enterprises (as amusements)
   < notorious as an open town >
  (2) : not repressed by legal controls
   < open gambling >
 b. : using a minimum of physical restrictions and custodial restraints upon the freedom of movement of inmates
  < an open prison >
 c. : not yielding to usually controlling factors : free from checking or hampering restraints
  < an open economy >
  < faced with open inflation >
 d. : relatively unguarded by opponents in a sports competition
  < open ice >
  < open court >
14. of an expression in logic : containing one or more free variables
15. : not crossed
 < an open pulley belt >
 < open eccentric rods >
16. : characterized by a free development of chess pieces in front of the pawns
 a. : having been opened by a first ante, bet, or bid
  < an open pot in poker >
  < the bidding is open >
  (1) : having cards properly exposed
   < the dummy is the open hand >
  (2) : played or to be played with cards exposed
 c. : interrupted or incomplete by a break in card sequence
  < an open straight >
 a. of punctuation : characterized by omission of commas when possible without ambiguity
 b. of the punctuation of a letter : characterized by the omission of punctuation marks at the end of the lines of the heading and after the complimentary close — opposed to close
Synonyms: see frank, liable
II. verb
(opened \-pənd, -pəmd\ ; opened \“\ ; opening \-p(ə)niŋ, -pnēŋ\ ; opens \-pənz, -pəmz\)
Etymology: Middle English openen, from Old English openian; akin to Old High German offanōn to open, Old Norse opna; all from a prehistoric North Germanic-West Germanic denominative from the root of Old English open (I)
transitive verb
 a. : to move (as a door or lid) from its shut position
  < open the windows >
  < slowly opened her eyelids >
  < open a switch >
 b. : to make available for entry or passage by turning back (as a barrier), removing (as a cover), or clearing away (as an obstruction)
  < the janitor opens the building at 7 o'clock >
  < opening the road after the flood >
  < open your heart to mercy >
  (1) : to free (a body passage) of an occluding agent
   < used cathartics to open the bowels >
   < an inhalator for opening congested nasal passages >
  (2) : to make available for or active in a regular function
   < plan to open a new store soon >
   < at what time do you open your office >
  also : to make accessible for a particular purpose
   < opened new land for settlement >
  (3) : to declare (as a public building or park) to be open to the public usually by a formal ceremony
 a. : to expose to view : disclose, reveal, unbosom
 b. archaic : interpret, expound
 c. : to make more discerning or responsive : enlighten
 d. : to bring into view or come in sight of by changing position so as to remove an intervening object from the line of sight
  < sailed on until we opened a bay >
 a. : to make one or more openings in : cut or break into
  < opened the boil >
  < planned to open the tombs of the ancient kings >
 b. : to loosen and make less compact usually by separating the constituent parts
  < open the soil by cultivating >
  < opened the matted wool by shaking vigorously >
 c. : to salt out — used in soap manufacturing
4. : to spread out : unfold, unroll, extend
 < the rose opens its dewy petals >
 < opened the book near the middle >
 a. : to enter upon : begin
  < opened the meeting >
  < will open his campaign soon >
  (1) : to make the statement by which the trial of (a case) is begun and put before the court
  (2) : to be the first to speak in summing up or arguing (a case)
 c. : to commence action in a card game by making (a first bid), putting a first bet in (the pot), or playing (a specified card or suit) as first lead
6. : to restore or recall (as an order, rule, judgment) from a finally determined state to a state in which the parties are free to prosecute or oppose by further legal proceedings
7. : to shift the feet so as to assume (an open stance) in golf or batting
intransitive verb
 a. : to become open : unclose
  < the door opened slowly >
 b. : to open a door or other barrier or make open a closed place usually so as to give admittance
  < open in the name of the law >
 c. : to have the doors opened for admittance of the public
  < the store opens at 9 >
 a. : to spread out : expand
  < the buds are beginning to open >
 b. : to separate or come apart usually with an effect of spreading out
  < the wound opened under the strain >
  < the book opened to my place >
 c. : to expand into view : become disclosed : spread out in the sight especially so that elements come to be seen as distinct
  < a lovely vista opened before us >
3. : to become enlightened or responsive
 < my heart opens to your words >
 a. : to give access
  < an arch opens into the dining room >
 b. : to have an opening, passage, or outlet
  < all the rooms open onto a long hall >
 c. : to open in an indicated direction
  < the door opens toward the hall >
5. : to bark on first finding scent : give tongue to a scent trail
 < the dog opened almost at once >
6. : to bare or make plain one's mind, feelings, or knowledge by speaking : speak out : be open in speech
 < finally opened freely on the subject >
 a. : to begin action : commence in some course or activity
  < the artillery opened on the enemy >
  < the stock opened at par >
 b. : to commence by a first incident (as a performance of a drama, a concert, or a day's hunting)
  < the opera season opens Friday >
 c. : to make a bet, bid, or lead in commencing a round or hand of a card game

- open one's eyes
- open one's heart
- open one's mouth
- open one's shoulders
- open ranks
- open the books
III. adverb
Etymology: Middle English, from open (I)
: in an open manner
IV. noun
Etymology: Middle English, in sense 1 from openen to open; in other senses from open (I)
1. : opening
2. : open and unobstructed space: as
 a. : land without trees, buildings, or obstructions
  < finally broke out of the forest into the open >
 b. : countryside free from hedges or fences
  (1) : cultivated land as distinguished from some protected place (as a greenhouse)
   < grapes grown in the open have a distinctive tang >
  (2) : outdoors as distinguished from inside
   < spent the day in the open >
 d. : open water especially of the ocean or a lake
3. : a public or unconcealed state or position
 < bring the facts into the open >
4. : a style of type characterized by letters in outline
5. : a break in an electric circuit
6. : an open contest, competition, or tournament (as in a sport)
V. adjective
1. : being a mathematical interval that contains neither of its endpoints
2. : being a set each point of which has a neighborhood all of whose points are contained in the set
3. of a universe : having insufficient mass to halt expansion gravitationally : expanding forever
 a. : being an incomplete electric circuit
 b. : not allowing the flow of electricity
  < an open switch >
5. : being an operation or surgical procedure in which an incision is made such that the tissues and organs are fully exposed
VI. transitive verb
: to initiate access to (a computer file) prior to use
intransitive verb
: to provide the opening performance of a show before the feature performance begins
 < a young singer opened for the headliner >




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