

单词 prayer
释义 prayer
I. prayer \ˈpra(a)](ə)r, ˈpre], ]ə\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English preyere, prayere, from Old French preiere, from Medieval Latin precaria written petition, supplication, prayer, from Latin, feminine of precarius obtained by entreaty or prayer, from Latin prec-, prex request, entreaty, prayer + -arius -ary — more at pray
 a. : a solemn and humble approach to Divinity in word or thought usually involving beseeching, petition, confession, praise, or thanksgiving
  < devoted a moment to silent prayer before beginning his task >
 b. : an earnest request to someone for something: as
  (1) : the part of a petition or memorial (as to a legislature) that specifies the thing desired
  (2) : the part of a bill in equity or other pleading that specifies the relief sought
  (3) : a request (as by a charge to a jury) for action by the court
  (4) : a formal motion in the British Parliament to invalidate a ministerial order or regulation
 c. prayers plural : earnest good wishes
  < whatever you decide you have my prayers >
2. : the act or practice of praying : the addressing of words or thought to Divinity in petition, confession, praise, or thanksgiving
 < public prayer was then an accepted custom >
 < friends and neighbors gathered in prayer for the dead >
3. : a religious service consisting chiefly of prayers — often used in plural
 < had regular family prayers >
4. : a set form of words used in praying : a formula of supplication, confession, praise, or thanksgiving addressed to God or an object of worship
 < a book of prayers for different occasions >
5. : something prayed for : a subject of prayer
 < God granted their prayer >
6. : a slight or minimal chance (as to succeed or survive)
 < a second-rate maritime power without a prayer of meeting military shipping needs — New York Times >
 < hadn't a prayer to recover >
 prayer, suit, plea, petition, appeal signify, in common, an earnest, usually formal, request for something. prayer implies that the request is made to one in authority or power and usually suggests humility and fervor
  < a very long distance between what the Department of Justice asks for in its prayer for relief and what the courts will grant in the form of a remedy — E.S.Mason >
  < to all my tearful prayers — W.S.Gilbert >
  suit implies a deferential and formal petition as to a court or legislative body, although the term is not common today except in legal use or in application to the addresses of a suitor to his loved one
  < suits for violation of contracts are allowed against a union's funds — Philip Taft >
  < a suit in which the college trustees sought to defend their rights against the new political forces — A.C.Cole >
  < she returned his love, spurning the suit of … — American Guide Series: N.C >
  plea usually implies argument and urgent entreaty of which self-justification, a desire for vindication or support, or partisanship is often the motive
  < his fiancée jilted him on the plea that he cared more for the house than for her — American Guide Series: Maryland >
  < a plea for postwar preparedness — Current Biography >
  < a plea for international peace — Merle Curti >
  petition implies a formal and specific request, often in writing, presented to a person or body that has power to grant it and usually implying no humility or use of entreaty but rather the exercise of a right
  < students who have exceeded the maximum number of absences will have a right to petition the Committee on Attendance for reinstatement — Loyola University Bulletin >
  < the petition must be addressed to the Commissioner of Patents … and must be signed by the inventor — General Information Concerning Patents >
  < divorce petitions — Robert Reid >
  appeal implies the call for attention to and favorable consideration of one's plea, often suggesting an insistence, as in a legal appeal from an inferior to a superior court, or a plea to the emotions
  < the appeal of the abandoned child — Joseph Conrad >
  < the appeal to sex — C.W.Cunnington >
  < make an appeal from the decision of the county court >
II. pray·er \ˈprāə(r), -re(ə) ṙ, -reə\ noun
Etymology: Middle English preyere, prayere, from preyen, prayen to pray + -ere -er — more at pray
: one that prays : supplicant




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