释义 |
cir·cum·scrip·tion \ˌ ̷ ̷kəmzˈkripshən, -mˈsk-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Latin circumscription-, circumscriptio, from circumscriptus (past participle of circumscribere) + -ion-, -io -ion 1. : the quality or state of being circumscribed: as a. obsolete : the property of having limitation in space as opposed to omnipresence or infiniteness b. obsolete : confinement 2. : something that circumscribes or encloses: a. : limit, boundary b. : restriction < rigid circumscription of tradition > c. : an especially clearly defined outline < the oval circumscription of the man's head > 3. : the act or action of circumscribing: as a. : delimitation, definition < an idea that does not lend itself easily to circumscription > b. : limitation < the circumscription of a patient's movements during convalescence > 4. : a circumscribed area or district < a circumscription controlled by a given political group > |