单词 | civil |
释义 | civ·il 1. a. < civil institutions > < interested in civil affairs > < a contribution to civil philosophy > b. < civil strife between two political groups > < civil embargo > 2. a. < the oldest form of civil society were the early city-states of oriental antiquity — H.E.Barnes > b. < man is a civil creature > 3. < a civil duty > < the individual's civil right of free speech > — see civil liberty, civil rights 4. a. < tribal anarchy giving way to civil order > b. < areas still civil in the turbulent country > c. < a civil philosophy > < civil jests > 5. a. < a civil doctor — Shakespeare > b. < a civil liability > < civil jurisdiction > < a civil suit > < a civil remedy > — see civil law c. < civil disabilities > — compare natural 5; see civil death 6. a. sometimes -er/-est < even if he didn't like them he should have been civil — W.S.Maugham > < it was all he could do to be civil to her — Mary Austin > < I asked a civil question, and I expect a civil answer — D.H.Lawrence > b. sometimes -er/-est < the civilest and most friendly people that we met with — Daniel Defoe > c. obsolete d. e. dialect, of weather 7. of time < the civil calendar > < a civil day begins at mean midnight > 8. a. < new educational techniques, learned in the war just ended, should be put into civil use — Henry Wallace > < the old conflict between the civil and the sacerdotal powers — Edward Clodd > b. < officials of a civil board > < prohibiting a member of Congress from being appointed to any civil office > < rates and hours set by civil regulations > 9. obsolete < civil righteousness > Synonyms: < remember, then, that to be civil … is the only way to be beloved and well received in company, that to be ill-bred … is intolerable — Earl of Chesterfield > < I mean to return his visit tomorrow. It will be only civil in return for his politeness, to ask to see him — Sheridan Le Fanu > polite may imply cold, formal, perfunctory deference to etiquette < let's be polite, but act as though she didn't exist — Sherwood Anderson > Often it differs from civil in suggesting somewhat warmer or more sincere consideration of others < the bishop seldom questioned Jacinto about his thoughts or beliefs. He didn't think it polite — Willa Cather > < under ordinary circumstances he would have tried to be polite. As it was, he could hardly bring himself to give them a civil word of welcome — Norman Douglas > courteous may suggest a certain polish and delicacy of action; it may connote either mere formal deference, however perfect, to custom, or a genuine sincere consideration and regard < the baronet peeped at his grandson with the courteous indifference of one who merely wishes to compliment that mother of anybody's child — George Meredith > < M. Laval owns a fine old historical painting in Chateldon, and he was courteous enough to permit me to view it — Upton Sinclair > courtly suggests the stately or ceremonious < Pitt Crawley treated her to a profound courtly bow, such as he had used to H. H. the Duchess of Pumpernickel, when he was attaché at that court — W.M.Thackeray > gallant and chivalrous, in this sense, indicate especially courtesy and attention to women, the former often suggesting either the spirited and dashing or the elaborate and over-attentive < the qualities … of surface chivalry and gallant attentiveness in her brilliant American friend had for a moment seemed to reveal a lack in me — Havelock Ellis > chivalrous in this sense often connotes high-mindedness and disinterested attention < ladies were supposed to be without sexual desire … gracious beings they were, without a sordid thought, according to the chivalrous notions of the time — W.E. Woodward > < she had fainted from weakness, and he had felt strangely chivalrous and paternal — Ellen Glasgow > |
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