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civ·i·li·za·tion noun or civ·i·li·sa·tion \ˌsivələ̇ˈzāshən, sivəˌlīˈzāshən, Brit often & US sometimes -vi-\ (-s) Etymology: civilize + -ation, probably influenced in meaning by French civilisation 1. obsolete : the act of making a criminal process civil 2. a. : an ideal state of human culture characterized by complete absence of barbarism and nonrational behavior, optimum utilization of physical, cultural, spiritual, and human resources, and perfect adjustment of the individual within the social framework < true civilization is an ideal to be striven for > b. : a particular state or stage of human advance toward civilization: as (1) : the culture characteristic of a particular time or place < medieval civilization > < the impact of European civilization on primitive peoples > sometimes : a widely diffused long-lived culture often with subcultures < the Aegean civilization was a confluence of many Bronze Age cultures > (2) : the stage of cultural development at which writing and the keeping of written records is attained; also : the stage marked by urbanization, advanced techniques (as of agriculture and industry), expanded population, and complex social organization < modern civilization with its helpless dependence on technology > 3. : the process of becoming civilized : progressive development of arts, sciences, statescraft, and human aspirations and spirituality < civilization is a slow process marked by many failures and setbacks > 4. : the act of civilizing; especially : the forcing of a particular cultural pattern on a population to which it is foreign < much of the nation's strength was wasted on the bloody civilization of unwilling peoples > 5. : the whole of the advances of human culture and aspirations beyond the purely animal level < civilization is the descriptive inventory of all the modifications brought about in … the normal life of man in society — Pierre Lecomte du Noüy > < the first man to chip a stone into a better tool took a great step forward in civilization > 6. : conformity to conventional patterns of behavior or expression : refinement of thought, manners, or taste 7. a. : the parts of the earth characterized by a relatively high level of cultural and technological development < made his way across the lands of two hostile tribes to reach civilization > b. : a situation of urban comfort : city life < we enjoy our country weekends but it's good to get back to civilization and hot running water > |