

单词 disposition
释义 dis·po·si·tion
\ˌdispəˈzishən\ noun
Etymology: Middle English disposicioun, from Middle French disposition, from Latin disposition-, dispositio, from dispositus (past participle of disponere to set in order, arrange) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at dispose
1. : the act or the power of disposing or disposing of or the state of being disposed or disposed of: as
 a. : administration, control, management; often : divine dispensation
  < received the law by the disposition of angels — Acts 7:53 (Authorized Version) >
 b. : a placing elsewhere, a giving over to the care or possession of another, or a relinquishing
  < saw to the disposition of all surplus goods by shipment to needy countries >
  < the disposition of the garbage was always a problem >
  : the power of so placing, giving, ridding oneself of, relinquishing, or doing with as one wishes : discretionary control — used especially in the phrase at the disposition of; specifically : the transfer of property from one to another (as by gift, barter, or sale or by will) or the scheme or arrangement by which such transfer is effected
 c. : an ordering or arranging or a state of being ordered or arranged usually systematically or in an orderly way and especially of the parts of a whole : orderly preparation or placing : arrangement
  < the disposition of the parts of his argument made his speech forceful and tidy >
  < the disposition of the artillery was shown on the map >
 a. : the prevailing tendency, aspect, mood, or inclination of one's spirits
  < with large blue eyes that … showed her thoughts and dispositions — Hugh Walpole >
  < woke up in a nasty disposition >
  : the complex of attitudes, proclivities, and responses conditioning conduct : propensity
  < his disposition was to make the worst of bad fortune >
  < conservatism with them is not so much a program as a disposition or attitude or temper — Daniel Aaron >
  : temperamental makeup
  < a man of broad sympathies and a genial disposition >
  (1) obsolete : physical condition : health
  (2) archaic : constitution, nature
 c. : the inclination, tendency, or power of anything to act in a certain manner under given circumstances
  < the disposition of sugar to dissolve in water >
  < the disposition to war or to peace in human societies seems to be a matter of economic, political, social, and psychological structurings of the society itself — Weston LaBarre >
3. : the number and types of stops in an organ : the makeup of an organ
4. dispositions plural : strategical or tactical military plans
 < the general perfected his dispositions for the campaign >
5. : the sentence given to or treatment prescribed for a juvenile offender
 < boys 12 to 16 who were sent to his ward for routine observation pending disposition by the courts — Charles Grutzner >
 complexion, temperament, personality, individuality, temper, character: disposition refers to one's accustomed attitudes and moods in reacting to life around one
  < ages of fierceness have overlaid what is naturally kindly in the dispositions of ordinary men and women — Bertrand Russell >
  < the taint of his father's insanity perhaps appeared in his unbalanced disposition — E.S.Bates >
  complexion blends together notions involving mood and attitude and ideas about ways of thinking
  < the rationalist mind, radically taken, is of a doctrinaire and authoritative complexion: the phrase ‘must be’ is ever on its lips — William James >
  < great thinkers of various complexion, who differing in many fundamental points, all alike assert the relativity of truth — Havelock Ellis >
  temperament may suggest individual proclivities, especially as colored by feeling and emotion and especially in matters social or creative
  < the electric amenities that pass between artistic temperaments at different tensions still find free play — J.L.Lowes >
  < melancholy was the dominant note of his temperament … a melancholy tempered by recurrences of faith and resignation and simple joy — James Joyce >
  personality stresses those traits the composite of which tends to individualize one in his society, often those which attract, which give popularity, ready appeal, or decisive or compelling interest
  < the personality of the brilliant secretary of the treasury is not clearly defined. The inner man … is unfortunately neglected — J.C.Miller >
  < by sheer personality he has so far propped up a somewhat artificial arrangement with the smaller parties — Economist >
  individuality stresses an individualizing and distinguishing composite of traits
  < an individuality, a style of its own — Willa Cather >
  < detected for the first time, beneath the dehumanized drudge, the stirrings of a separate and perhaps capricious individuality — Arnold Bennett >
  temper may indicate the frame of mind with which one makes choices and decisions, faces difficulties or problems, or controls and governs himself
  < a less dogmatic temper is becoming apparent among the scientists themselves — Irving Babbitt >
  < after four years of fighting, the temper of the victors was such that they were quite incapable of making a just settlement — Aldous Huxley >
  character may suggest the deep, fundamental, and established complex of moral traits, the genuine and lasting individualizing inner nature of a person
  < that inexorable law of human souls that we prepare ourselves for sudden deeds by the reiterated choice of good or evil that determines character — George Eliot >
  < character, or what is fixed, hard, and resistant in human nature, cannot be expressed lyrically — Times Literary Supplement >




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