单词 | clear |
释义 | clear I. 1. a. (1) < bonfires clear and bright — Shakespeare > (2) < it is almost clear dawn — Shakespeare > b. (1) < watching the stars on clear nights > : having the air free from mist, haze, or dust < on a clear day one could see for miles > (2) meteorology (3) < eyes so straight and clear that everybody loved him — Stark Young > c. < fish seen swimming through water clear as air > < clear glass > d. (1) of the skin or complexion (2) of an animal coat e. < clear varnish > < clear soup > < a candle burning with a clear flame > f. of color < clear reds and blues > 2. a. < her speech was clear and easy to understand > : having purity of tone : free from roughness or harshness < you could hear clear laughter like a waterfall — Edith Sitwell > b. of an l sound 3. a. < a clear description of his point of view > : thoroughly understood or comprehended < the consequences of his act were not clear at the time > < make it clear that there will be no discussion > : easy to perceive or determine with certainty < it is clear that you were wrong > : sharply distinguished : readily recognized : unmistakable < a clear instance of favoritism > b. < though the gloom had increased … the white surface of the road remained almost as clear as ever — Thomas Hardy > : readily seen : in plain sight < clear identification of the product on the label > 4. a. < a complex problem requiring a clear brain > : having a sure understanding or a confident certainty < we are not clear about what we are going to do > : without misconception, error, or vagueness < a clearer understanding of the issue > b. < clear sight > < clear eyes > 5. a. < in action faithful, and in honor clear — Alexander Pope > < a clear conscience > b. < a good income clear for life > < a clear profit of 6 percent > c. < a clear victory over his opponent > < that wall is a clear 20 feet high > d. < a road clear for traffic > < a field clear of trees > also < a clear signal on a railroad > e. < a ship is clear after unloading > f. (1) of tree boles or timbers (2) of lumber g. < clear of the hose > especially < the moon was clear of the trees > < clear of the storm area > < clear of trouble > h. of a measurement of space or time < a clear 15 yards from side to side > — compare clear days i. (1) < walls clear of ornament > < a mind clear of all such notions > (2) of a fabric (3) of an egg j. k. Synonyms: < the launch moved slowly through water clear as air — C.B.Nordhoff & J.N.Hall > transparent stresses complete absence of obstruction to vision < guavas, with the shadows of their crimson pulp flushing through a transparent skin — Herman Melville > translucent applies to that which permits passage of light but bars clear and complete vision < translucent amber that cages flies — Elinor Wylie > < poured out a goblet full of the translucent crimson liquid — Joseph Hergesheimer > lucid, a rather romantic and literary word, may suggest luminous transparency < changed … their hue (like clouds of sunset) into lucid amber — William Wordsworth > pellucid intensifies the idea of clear < a pellucid plain of waters, azure with the noontide day — P.B.Shelley > diaphanous suggests a gossamer translucency, a virtual transparency < in her flowery loveliness, she looked diaphanous, ethereal — Maurice Hewlett > limpid usually suggests soft clearness < the eyes are of that soft, limpid, turquoise blue so often sung by the poets — Wilkie Collins > < in the light of the dawn, growing more limpid rather than brighter — Joseph Conrad > Applied to intangibles in more figurative senses, clear stresses freedom from obscurity or possibility of misunderstanding < making our age one of bewildered groping where our ancestors walked in the clear daylight of unquestioning certainty — Bertrand Russell > < experience in India had made it abundantly clear that the government of a great empire required special training and disinterested selection — Felix Frankfurter > transparent implies either commendable utter clarity or obvious, easily perceived deception < transparent and disprovable untruths … and histories far-fetched a million miles — Elinor Wylie > lucid, more common in this use, suggests especial clearness, sometimes of order and arrangement < he thought little of recasting a chapter in order to obtain a more lucid arrangement — G.O.Trevelyan > pellucid and limpid stress simple complete clarity < [Goldsmith's] pellucid simplicity — Frederic Harrison > < utter simplicity, limpid clearness … these are the salient qualities of the diction of the men who wrote the Bible — J.L.Lowes > Synonyms: < the ode is not wholly perspicuous. Wordsworth himself seems to have thought it difficult — Lionel Trilling > Synonym: see in addition evident. II. a. < now clear I understand — John Milton > b. < to cry loud and clear > c. < beyond the fence was open country clear to the skyline — Hartley Howard > : wholly, entirely < I was sore clear through at myself — W.A.White > III. transitive verb 1. a. (1) < clear the river water by filtering > (2) (3) (4) b. (1) obsolete (2) < to take the stand, tell the truth, and clear his name — S.H.Adams > < his accusers never gave him an opportunity to clear himself > — often used with of or from before the thing imputed < he is cleared of suspicion of duplicity > (3) < clear a man for top-secret military work > c. (1) < clear my mind about the new arrangement > (2) < many knotty points there are which all discuss but few can clear — Matthew Prior > d. e. obsolete 2. a. < cleared his calendar in order to give full time to the problem > < clear a room upstairs for the guest > < clear two downtown blocks for the new civic center > < clear the way for the landing forces > < clear an acre of woodland with a bulldozer > b. < clear your mind of foolish fancies > < clear land of trees and brush > < clear a ship of her cargo > < clear an equation of fractions > c. < spend a week clearing timber > < clear snow from the walk > < clear the plates and serve dessert > — often used with away, off, out d. < he cleared the spade suit in two leads > < the ace cleared the trump suit > e. f. g. (1) (2) (3) h. < buyers cleared the day's cattle run at steady rates > : dispose of the supply on hand of (a commodity) often by special sale < unsold stock was cleared at a loss > i. j. < that post office clears 300 pieces of mail an hour > < cleared messages for the state police over his shortwave set — Mary H. Vorse > k. 3. a. < clear an account > < money sent to clear our debts > : make free from debt or pecuniary encumbrance < money paid to clear his estate > b. (1) < the baggage cleared customs > (2) < the ship cleared New York harbor > c. < clear a good profit on the sale > < clear $1500 a year on the investment > d. 4. a. < clear a hawser > < clear a fishing line > b. < the horse cleared the fence in a bound > or pass by or over < clearing the ridge, we saw below us a great valley > : go over or by without touching, colliding, or getting entangled < the planes barely cleared the tops of the trees > c. < the tax bill cleared the legislature a week ago > 5. a. < important appointments are first cleared with the committee > also < the chairman cleared the article for publication > b. c. < cleared the plane for landing > intransitive verb 1. a. < it cleared up quickly after the rain > b. < the muddy water clears > c. < his face cleared as he heard my explanation > < with the improvement in sales the business prospect clears > 2. a. obsolete b. < the ship cleared yesterday and is ready to leave > also < ships cleared from Boston with cargoes for the west > c. 3. a. < these symptoms should clear gradually > < the crowds cleared rapidly, leaving the streets deserted > — often used with away, up, off b. of a commodity < hogs cleared at steady rates > c. < you are to clear after every meal > d. < the goalie cleared to an open teammate > 4. a. < all tax bills must clear through our committee > b. < outgoing letters clear through this office where they are checked against our files > Synonyms: see rid • - clear for action - clear hawse - clear one's skirts - clear the air - clear the decks - clear the land - clear the way IV. 1. clears plural 2. clears plural 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. < a message sent in clear > : plaintext < clear alphabet > • - in the clear |
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