

单词 climb
释义 climb
I. \ˈklīm\ verb
(climbed \-md\ ; or dialect clim \ˈklim\ ; or now dialect clomb \ˈklōm\ ; or chiefly Midland clum \ˈkləm\ ; climbed or dialect clim or now dialect clomb or chiefly Midland clum ; climbing ; climbs)
Etymology: Middle English climben, from Old English climban; akin to Old High German klimban, Old Norse klembra to clamber, Old English clamm bond, fetter — more at clam
intransitive verb
  (1) : to rise or go upward with gradual or continuous motion
   < watching the smoke climb >
  (2) : to gain altitude
   < the airplane climbed suddenly >
 b. : to increase gradually
  < stock-market prices climbing a little each day >
 c. : to slope upward : form an upward or rising grade : serve as way or means of going up or higher
  < the road climbs steadily until … you are high up on the mountain — Norman Cousins >
  < a staircase, which climbed, steep and slender, to the upper story — Ellen Glasgow >
 d. : to become situated on a rising grade
  < pleasant middle-class houses climbing up the hill — R.M.Lovett >
 a. : to go upwards, rise, or raise oneself especially by grasping or clutching with the hands
  < climbed up a steep hill >
  < climb aboard a car >
  < climbed upon her father's knee >
 b. of a plant : to ascend in growth by twining about or scrambling over a support or by the attachment thereto of tendrils or aerial roots
3. : to rise or seek to rise in dignity, rank, or eminence : come to rate more highly or occupy a higher state
 < from this humble beginning he climbed to a position at the very top — J.M.England >
4. : to go about or down usually by grasping, clinging, or holding with the hands to facilitate progress or ensure safety
 < climb down a ladder >
 < climbing around in a haymow >
 < climb out on a limb >
5. : to get into or out of clothing or an article of dress typically with some haste or effort
 < the firemen climbed into their clothes >
 < the diver climbed out of his heavy suit >
transitive verb
 a. : to go or proceed upwards upon or along, to the top of, or over : get to the top of or go over typically with some effort
  < climb a hill >
  < energy spent climbing stairs >
  < the car climbed the long hill >
 b. : to reach by climbing
  < climb the summit of a hill >
2. : to draw or pull oneself up, over, or to the top of by using hands and feet
 < climb a ladder >
 < children climbing the tree >
3. : to ascend through or to the higher parts of
 < the sun climbing the eastern sky >
4. : to grow up or creep up to the top of typically by twisting, twining, or cleaving
 < ivy climbing the western wall >
5. : to occupy or be situated on the ascending slope of
 < the battlemented town … climbs a high hill crowned by the cathedral — Ellery Sedgwick >
6. : to cause (an aircraft) to climb
Synonyms: see ascend
II. noun
1. : a place (as a steep incline) where climbing is necessary to progress; especially : a trail up a mountain designed or mapped out for mountain climbers
 < the approach to the Westmore mountain climbAmerican Guide Series: Vermont >
 < the commandos … began to rename many of the climbs — R.W.Clark >
2. : the act or an instance of climbing : ascent by climbing
 < the slow climb up the steep hills — E.H.Collis >
 < farm prices showed an upward climb >
 < an airplane with a rapid rate of climb >
 < its program includes several mountain climbsBulletin of Bates College >




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