

单词 clip
释义 clip
I. \ˈklip\ verb
(clipped ; clipped ; clipping ; clips)
Etymology: Middle English clippen, from Old English clyppan; akin to Old High German klāftra fathom, Old Norse klafi yoke, Latin galla gall on a tree, gleba clod, globus globe, Lith. globti to embrace — more at gall
transitive verb
 a. now dialect Britain : embrace, hug
 b. : to encircle closely : encompass
  < a belt clipped her waist >
 a. : to hold in a tight grip : clutch
 b. : to clasp or fasten with a clip
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English clipp, from clippen to clip (embrace)
: any of a number of devices which grip, clasp, or hook or with which one grips, clasps, or hooks: as
 a. : grappling iron
 b. : an encircling often metal strap for connecting parts (as the metal strap of a whiffletree)
 c. : the upward projection at the extreme front or at the side of a horseshoe over the margin of the hoof
 d. : a holder or container (as for letters, bills, or music) consisting wholly or partly of a metal spring clamp
 e. : a device to hold cartridges for charging the magazines of some rifles; also : a magazine from which ammunition is fed into the chamber of a firearm
 f. : a device for confining the bottom of a trouser leg used especially when riding a bicycle without a chain guard
 g. : a device used to arrest bleeding from vessels or tissues during operations
 h. : a wire resembling and applied like a staple and used to hold together wound margins or tissues or structures separated or opened during operations
 i. : a metal device to connect up angle and T irons to rolled beams without drilling or bolting
 j. : a clamplike wire or cable terminal for temporary electrical connections
 k. : a piece of jewelry (as a pin or an earring) that is held in position by a spring clip
III. verb
(clipped ; clipped also clipt ; clipping ; clips)
Etymology: Middle English clippen, from Old Norse klippa
transitive verb
 a. : to cut or cut off with or as if with shears
  < clip a string in two >
  < clip the wool of a sheep >
  < clip her hair close >
  < clip an hour off traveling time >
 b. : to cut off the margins, ends, or a small portion of : pare, trim
  < clip rosebushes >
  < clip a coin >
  < clip a bird's wings >
  : cut or snip off a part of the hair or surface growth of : shear
  < clip a sheep >
  : mow
  < clip a lawn >
  (1) : excise
   < clip imperfect passages from the recording >
  (2) : to cut items out of (as a newspaper)
   < clipped a week's papers >
  (3) : to cut out of especially a publication
 d. of a radio or television circuit : reject
  < clip the instantaneous signals above or below a predetermined amplitude or frequency >
 a. : curtail, diminish
  < clipping his power or authority >
  < worked to clip the senator's influence >
 b. : to abbreviate (as a word or a customary sequence of sounds) in speech or writing in some way (as ad for advertisement, \ˈnesəsri\ for \ˈnesəˌseri\)
  < the clipped “n'kyou” of the bus conductors and the ticket collectors — Richard Joseph >
  < clipped dialogue — D.M.Friedenberg >
  < to most unsophisticated users of the language “a short circuit” has nothing to do with either “short” or “circuit” (except insofar as the phrase itself has been clipped to a “a short”) — D.L.Bolinger >
 c. : reduce
  < appliance stores … were clipping prices for people with ready cash — Newsweek >
  < the company clipped his wages two dollars a week >
 a. slang : to hit especially with a short sharp blow
  < clipped him with a left hook — Ernest Hemingway >
  < both got clipped by drunk drivers — Pasadena (Calif.) Independent >
 b. : to block (an opposing football player other than the ballcarrier) illegally by hitting with the body from behind
4. : to take money from unfairly or dishonestly especially by charging exorbitant prices or by deception
 < the nightclub clipped the diner for $23 >
 < clip a patient by excessive charges for surgery >
5. : to touch or go very close to especially in moving past
 < the bearings should just clip the shaft — John Southward >
 < clip the edge of the cliff as closely as possible — F.W.Booth >
intransitive verb
1. : to clip something
 < remove a portion of it by clipping >
 < the record was made by a good deal of clipping >
 a. archaic : to move the wings swiftly : fly swiftly
  < some falcon … clips it down the wind — John Dryden >
 b. : to travel or pass rapidly
  < a rock clipped through the air — Max Steele >
  < the half hour clipped along with pace and movement — Goodman Ace >
3. : to block an opposing football player from behind

- clip one's wings
IV. noun
 a. clips plural, Scotland : shears
 b. : a 2-bladed instrument for cutting especially the nails
  < a wire clip >
2. : something that is clipped: as
 a. : a clipping especially from a newspaper
 b. : the product of a single shearing (as of sheep)
 c. : a season's crop of wool of a sheep, a flock, or a region
 d. : a section of filmed material (as a stock shot or a portion of a newsreel); especially : a fragment of film deleted during the editing of a motion picture
3. : an act of clipping : cutting, shearing
4. : a sharp blow especially with the fist
 < hit someone a clip on the jaw >
5. : a rapid gait or pace
 < the train was snaking along at a brisk clip — Robert Shaplen >
6. : time : a single instance or occasion
 < he charged $10 a clip >
— often used in the phrase at a clip
 < to train 1000 workers at a clip >




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