

单词 oscillograph
释义 os·cil·lo·graph
\-raf, -rȧf\ noun
Etymology: French oscillographe, from oscillo- (from Latin oscillare) + -graphe -graph
: an instrument that produces in the form of a continuous curve a permanent record (as a graph or a photograph) of periodic or irregular variations in an electrical quantity (as voltage) and often indirectly in some related quantity (as sound pressure) by means of a moving element (as a galvanometer needle or a vibrating beam of cathode rays) — compare oscilloscope
os·cil·lo·graph·ic \ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|grafik\ adjective
os·cil·lo·graph·i·cal·ly \-fə̇k(ə)lē\ adverb
os·cil·log·ra·phy \ˌäsəˈlägrəfē\ noun -es




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