释义 |
pre·cip·i·ta·tion \(ˌ)prēˌsipəˈtāshən, prə̇ˌs-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin praecipitation-, praecipitatio, from praecipitatus + -ion-, -io -ion 1. : the quality or state of being precipitate : precipitancy, haste < had acted with some precipitation and had probably started out upon a wild-goose chase — Dorothy Sayers > 2. a. : an act, process, or instance of precipitating < a precipitation of this issue … at the present time — A.H.Vandenberg > as (1) : the process of forming a precipitate from a solution — compare coagulation 1b, flocculation 1 (2) : the process of precipitating or removing solid or liquid particles from a smoke or gas by electrical means : electrostatic precipitation b. : a deposit on the earth of hail, mist, rain, sleet, or snow; also : the quantity of water deposited 3. : something precipitated; specifically : precipitate 1 |