

单词 cluster
释义 clus·ter
I. \ˈkləstə(r)\ noun
Etymology: Middle English cluster, clustre, from Old English clyster, cluster; akin to Low German kluster cluster, Old English clott lump, mass — more at clot
1. : a number of things of the same kind (as fruit or flowers) growing closely together : bunch
 < a flower cluster >
 < a cluster of coral animals >
2. : a number of similar things grouped together in association or in physical proximity
 < a cluster of houses >
 < little clusters of settlers scattered along the coast >
 a. : a number of honeybees clinging together in a solid mass
 b. : an aggregation of stars, galaxies, or supergalaxies that appear close together in the sky and seem to have common properties (as distance and motion) — see globular cluster, moving cluster
 c. : two or more electric lamps grouped together on a single fixture
 d. : the group of four cups that connect the teats of a cow to a milking machine
3. : a number of similar things considered as a group because of their relation to each other or their simultaneity of occurrence or for convenience in treatment or discussion
 < tone clusters which are known as blue — Rudi Blesh >
 < the great cluster of inventions of the last quarter of the 19th century — Bruce Bliven b.1889 >
 < a cluster of characteristics >
4. : two or more consecutive consonants or vowels in a segment of speech
 < the consonant sounds for the italics in “winch sprocket” are a cluster >
II. verb
(clustered ; clustered ; clustering \-t(ə)riŋ\ ; clusters)
Etymology: Middle English clusteren, from cluster, n.
transitive verb
1. : to collect into a cluster or clusters : gather into a bunch
 < cluster ten or a dozen of these together, with several smaller sheds and tents — Walt Whitman >
2. : to furnish or cover with clusters
 < the bridge was clustered with men and officers — Herman Wouk >
intransitive verb
: to grow in clusters or assemble in groups : collect, gather, or unite in a cluster or clusters
 < men cluster around the stove >
 < legends have already clustered about his name >
III. noun
1. : a group of buildings and especially houses built close together on a sizable tract in order to preserve open spaces larger than the individual yard for common recreation
2. : a small group of atoms (as of a metal) that are bonded together in usually polyhedral form




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