

单词 ourselves
释义 our·selves
\ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷, ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷\ pronoun plural
Etymology: Middle English oure selven, our selfs
1. : those identical ones that are we : the selves that belong to us : the selves that are ours — used (1) reflexively as object of a preposition or direct or indirect object of a verb
 < we're doing it solely for ourselves >
 < busying ourselves only with what concerns us >
 < we're getting ourselves a new home >
(2) for emphasis in apposition with we or who
 < we ourselves will never go >
 < we can speak with some certainty, we who have ourselves had the same experience >
(3) for emphasis instead of nonreflexive us as object of a preposition or direct or indirect object of a verb
 < this pleases ourselves but no one else >
(4) for emphasis instead of we or instead of we ourselves as predicate nominative
 < the only ones that want to do it are ourselves >
or in comparisons after than or as
 < no one knows more about it than ourselves >
or as part of a compound subject
 < our children and ourselves will be glad to come >
or archaically or dialectally as only subject of a verb
 < ourselves were country folk — Elizabeth Dye >
(5) in absolute constructions
 < ourselves hardly able to see what was happening, they shut the door in our face >
2. : our normal, healthy, or sane condition
 < we were groggy for a moment but quickly came to ourselves >
: our normal, healthy, or sane selves
 < we had been ill, but today we are again ourselves >




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更新时间:2024/9/22 19:39:55