释义 |
outboard I. \ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ adjective Etymology: out (IV) + board, n. 1. : situated or lying outboard < outboard rigging > < the outboard walls > 2. : of, relating to, or being a bearing, center, or other support that is used in conjunction with and outside of a corresponding main support usually in its own independent frame and often on a separate foundation 3. : having, using, or limited to the use of an outboard motor < outboard cruiser > < outboard classes > II. adverb Etymology: out (IV) + board, n. 1. : outside the line of a ship's bulwarks or hull : nearer the side than the center : in a lateral direction from the hull or from the keel < swing the davits outboard > < stand facing outboard > — contrasted with inboard 2. : from within outward : to or toward the outside < throw a line outboard and catch a fish — Harper's > 3. : in a position closer or closest to either of the wing tips of an airplane : in a lateral direction from the longitudinal axis of an airplane III. noun Etymology: outboard (I) 1. : outboard motor < a 3 h.p. outboard > 2. : a boat with an outboard motor attached < a 16-foot outboard > |