单词 | outline |
释义 | out·line I. 1. a. < in good years the outline of the cultivated area expands — P.E.James > < the rugged outlines of the mountains > b. < the original outline of the house is clearly marked — American Guide Series: Louisiana > < the sharpening outline of her face — Willa Cather > 2. a. < paint rapidly in outline on the stone — F.W.Goudy > < drew a dog in outline > b. < prepared several outlines of the suggested mural > c. d. < learned how to write shorthand outlines for every word she heard — Marie M. Stewart > < my hand was so shaky I could hardly make my outlines — Dorothy Sayers > 3. a. outlines plural < shall sketch only the outlines of some aspects of American education — J.B.Conant > < agreed on the broad outlines of a wage settlement > b. < has written a useful outline of atomic physics > < an outline of world history in two volumes > c. < the gist of these books was preserved in a series of small outlines — R.W.Southern > 4. a. < gave his staff an outline of his proposed strategy in the coming campaign > < gave the class an outline of the points he intended to cover > b. < such an outline as would be required of a student in freshman composition — Archer Taylor > c. < the producer gave him a sizable advance on the basis of his outline > 5. Synonyms: < the house, built of bricks, was square in outline — Elizabeth M. Roberts > < series of natural valleys … flanking the western outlines of the county — F.S.Williams > < the outline of Caprarola palace is a pentagon — George Kish > contour stresses the shape of a thing, or a visible or particular portion of a thing, as delineated by the outline, especially involving curving lines < the smooth, though sometimes steep, contours of the Coast Range — G.R.Stewart > < glanced up at the pummeled sky and caught sight of a weird, futuristic contour — D.B.Dodson > < the chart room, where the changing contours of the seabed are automatically recorded — Douglas Willis > profile stresses the sharply outlined shape of something especially as seen against a lighter background < the beautiful profile of the island — William Beebe > < the mountains to the south and east fill the horizon, their profiles overlapping one another — American Guide Series: Vermont > skyline is the outline or contour of something (as the upper portion of a row of buildings or range of mountains) seen against the sky as background < gracious towers and spires make up the loveliest man-made skyline in the world — Sam Pollock > < the region, with its succession of startling contours, jagged skylines, sharp pinnacles rising from mountains of solid rock — American Guide Series: Oregon > < the skyline of Manhattan > silhouette is the shape of something shadowed, and therefore seen as two-dimensional, with all detail blacked out, blurred, or disregarded < the basilica of Notre Dame de la Garde thrusts a stark silhouette in the cobalt sky — Claudia Cassidy > < the silhouettes of white sailboats and gray battleships — Jean Stafford > < the ghostly silhouette of a submarine gliding under the railway bridge — Stewart Beach > II. 1. a. < outline the entire figure before beginning to draw in the features > b. < gnarled stump fences outline the wide fields — American Guide Series: Vermont > < a baffling network of paths outlined by a very high hedge — J.C.Swaim > c. < outline the exact limits of the lake > < outline the limits of Assyrian conquest > 2. < outlining a plan for a future investigation — J.B.Conant > < outlined a five-point program for business — Current Biography > • out·lin·er |
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