释义 |
dis·so·ci·a·tion \dəˌsōsēˈāshən, (|)diˌsō-, -ōshē- — compare association\ noun (-s) Etymology: Latin dissociation-, dissociatio, from dissociatus + -ion-, -io -ion 1. : the act or process of dissociating or the state of being dissociated : separation, separateness, disunion: as a. : the process by which a chemical combination breaks up into simpler constituents usually capable of recombining under other conditions — used especially of the action of heat or other forms of energy on gases and of solvents upon dissolved substances < dissociation of ammonia at high temperatures > < electrolytic dissociation > — compare decomposition a, ionization b. (1) : isolation, abstraction, or extraction from the total perceptual field of some element which is to be separately observed or analyzed (2) : the separation of an idea or activity from the main stream of consciousness or of behavior especially as a mechanism of ego defense (3) : the decompensation of defense permitting fragmentation of the ego into disunited parts (as under hypnosis or in psychotic states) 2. : the property inherent in certain biological stocks of differentiating into two or more distinct and relatively permanent strains (as the rough and smooth strains of certain bacteria); also : such a strain |