释义 |
coin I. \ˈkȯin\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English coyne, from Middle French coing, coin wedge, stamp, corner, from Latin cuneus wedge; perhaps akin to Latin culex gnat — more at culex 1. a. archaic : corner, cornerstone, quoin b. archaic : a wedge used for blocking, securing, or tightening c. : a small corner cupboard especially of the 18th century 2. obsolete : the stamped device or impress on coined money 3. : a piece of metal or rarely of some other material (as leather or porcelain) certified by a mark or marks upon it as being of a specific intrinsic or exchange value; specifically : such a piece issued by governmental authority to circulate as lawful money — see minor coin, standard coin, subsidiary coin, token, token coin 4. : something accepted as having value or validity < perhaps wisecracks … are respectable literary coin in the U.S. — Times Literary Supplement > : something given or offered in an exchange < too much softened … to answer his obstinacy in like coin — J.C.Powys > specifically : a unit (as an expression or idea) of intellectual or social exchange < they exchanged a few small coins of country talk — Mollie Panter-Downes > 5. slang : money II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English coynen, from Middle French coignier, from coin, coing, n. 1. a. : to make (a coin) by stamping the design onto the planchet < coin pennies > : convert (metal) into coins < coin silver > b. : to make (a coin) by any process or series of processes : mint, strike < coin dimes > : manufacture or issue (money) in the form of coins c. : to shape (a piece of metal) in a mold or die by applying great pressure 2. : to make up or invent (something false or spurious) < coin smile and fair words > 3. : create, invent < coin a phrase > 4. : to make money out of < coin your brains > : convert into something valuable < coin his talent into verses > 5. : to make or earn (money) rapidly and in large quantity < coined a small fortune … in the real estate boom — Irving Dilliard > III. adjective 1. : of or relating to coins < a coin show > 2. : operated by coins < a coin laundry > |