释义 |
col·la·gen noun also col·lo·gen \ˈkäləjə̇n, -ˌjen\ (-s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary colla- (from Greek kolla glue) or coll- + -gen — more at protocol : an insoluble fibrous protein that occurs in vertebrates as the chief constituent of the fibrils of connective tissue (as in skin and tendons) and of the organic substance of the bones and that is characterized by swelling in water solutions, by conversion to gelatin and glue on prolonged heating with water, and by conversion to leather on tanning — compare elastin • col·la·gen·ic \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|jenik\ adjective • col·lag·e·nous \kəˈlajənəs, (ˈ)kä|l-\ adjective |