释义 |
col·o·ny \ˈkälənē, -ni sometimes ˈkäln-\ noun (-es) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English colonie, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French colonie, from Latin colonia, from colonus colonist, farmer, inhabitant (from colere to cultivate, dwell) + -ia -y — more at wheel 1. : a body of people settled in a new territory, foreign and often distant, retaining ties with their motherland or parent state : a settlement in a new country : the territory inhabited by such a body or occupied by such a settlement : the body of descendants of settlers wholly or partially retaining their ideology and organization: a. : a settlement made in hostile, newly conquered, or unstable country as a means of facilitating established occupation and governed by the parent state < the Roman colonies in Gaul > b. : a settlement in a new territory enjoying a degree of autonomy or semiresponsible government without severing ties with the parent state and without attaining the more free status of a dominion — see crown colony; compare mandate, protectorate c. : such a settlement including in its control autochthonous groups in any of a number of statuses 2. a. : a distinguishable localized population within a species (as a community of termites or bees) < bird colonies on the islands and promontories — P.E.James > b. : a group of two or more kinds of organisms (as species or clones) usually migrant into and developing in a barren area or the interstices of an existent ecological community; often : an incompletely developed community consisting of two or more kinds of organisms c. : an assemblage of fossils apparently contained in rocks older than those in which they normally belong 3. a. : a circumscribed mass of microorganisms developed from a single cell or small cluster of cells, usually growing in or upon a solid or semisolid medium — compare family b. : the aggregation of zooids of a compound animal c. : coenobium 4. a. : a group of persons united by a common characteristic or interest living in a limited section surrounded by others not so united < the American colony in Paris > < New York City's Syrian colony > < an artist colony > < the film colony > also : the section or quarter occupied by such a group b. : a group of persons institutionalized away from others for some particular kind of care, treatment, correction, or punishment < a leper colony > < a colony for epileptics > < a penal colony > also : the land or buildings occupied by such a group c. : a cluster or somewhat discrete group (as of dwellings) usually with common characteristics or functions < a colony of ranch houses > < crowded colonies of tiny shingled shacks — F.L.Allen > d. : a group of institution inmates quartered away from main buildings or centers < the children's colony > e. : a nucleus of militants infiltrated into a group or organization < a Communist colony at the power plant > |