释义 |
per·sian I. \]zhən sometimes ]shən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English Persien, from Middle French, adjective & noun, from Persie Persia (from Latin Persia, from Greek Persis + Latin -ia -y) + Middle French -ien -ian 1. capitalized : one of the people of Persia: as a. : one of the ancient Iranian Caucasians who under Cyrus and his successors became the dominant Asiatic race b. : a member of one of the peoples forming the modern Iranian nationality 2. capitalized a. : any of several Iranian languages dominant in Persia at different periods — compare avestan, middle persian, old persian, pahlavi b. : the modern language of Iran and western Afghanistan that is used also in Pakistan and by Indian Muslims as a literary language 3. usually capitalized : a thin soft plain or printed silk in plain weave formerly used especially for linings (as of women's clothing) 4. persians or persian blinds plural, usually capitalized P : persiennes 5. usually capitalized : a male figure replacing a column in the Persian style — usually used in plural; compare atlas 4 6. or persian leather usually capitalized P : leather from India-tanned hair sheepskins 7. usually capitalized a. : persian cat b. : persian lamb c. : blackhead persian II. adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Middle English percynne, from Middle French persien 1. : of or relating to Persia, the Persians, or their language 2. : relating to or consisting of Persian lamb 3. : constituting an order and a style of ancient art in which architectural columns are replaced by male figures in oriental costume or are adorned by such figures |