

单词 columella
释义 col·u·mel·la
\ˌkäl(y)əˈmelə\ noun
(plural columel·lae \-lē, -ˌlī\)
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, small column, diminutive of columna column — more at column
1. : any of various anatomical parts likened to a column: as
 a. or columella cra·nii \-ˈkrānēˌī\ : the epipterygoid bone of the skull of many lizards
 b. or columella au·ris \-ˈȯrə̇s, -ˈau̇r-\ : the bony or partly cartilaginous rod, often with several distinct parts, connecting the tympanic membrane with the internal ear in birds and many reptiles and amphibians
 c. : the bony central axis of the cochlea
 d. : the central column or axis of a spiral univalve shell
 e. : the central pillar in the calyx of many corals
 a. : the carpophore of various seed plants
 b. : the axis of the capsule in mosses and in some of the liverworts (as those of the genus Anthoceros) consisting of sterile tissue
 c. : the central sterile portion of the sporangium in fungi of Mucor and related genera
 d. : stalace
3. : a columnar thickening of the peripheral protoplasm of spirochetes




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