单词 | pain |
释义 | pain I. 1. pains plural < passing acts of attainder and of pains and penalties — T.E.May > < there was the principle that civil courts may not add to the pains and penalties of crimes — B.N.Cardozo > 2. a. < was in constant pain > < her pain, which had been merely a dull ache, was suddenly as keen as if a blade had been driven into her wound — Ellen Glasgow > < perhaps all physical existence is a weary pain to man — T.E.Lawrence > b. < had no pain > < the pain of a twisted ankle > < sharp pains > < dreaded the pain of separation from them > < his conduct in regard to them caused me the deepest pain — W.M.Thackeray > < the pain she had felt at those humiliating words — Morley Callaghan > c. 3. pains plural < her pains had begun > 4. < has obviously taken great pains to study the practical details — Nancie Matthews > < no pains were spared in the workmanship — American Guide Series: New York City > < lavished their skill and pains — Willa Cather > < for his pains he incurred the enmity of the people — American Guide Series: Louisiana > < has been at pains to avoid associating himself with this recommendation — Walter Goodman > < was at pains to explain away his dangerous subject — Richard Mayne > < goes to pains to impress — Lucy Crockett > < was at pains to emphasize the nonpolitical character of the visit — H.J.Morgenthau > < takes that pains about it — John Locke > 5. a. < she's a real pain > b. < you give me a pain > Synonyms: < a pain in the finger > < chest pains > < his face twisted with pain > < my craving to hear from her was at times a gnawing pain — Kenneth Roberts > ache commonly implies a steady, usually dull, generalized pain < a headache > < an ache in the back from bending over all day > < the dull ache of his disappointment — Agnes S. Turnbull > : pang suggests a short sharp pain < the pangs of toothache > < the pangs of grief > throe is a pain, usually (and in the plural) intermittent, violent, and convulsive, characteristic of a process as that of labor in childbirth < the throes of retching > < the throes of civil war — S.W.Chapman > twinge is a momentary shooting or darting pain especially causing muscular contraction < twinges of pain in his back and shoulder — Walter O'Meara > < a twinge of pity > < a twinge of conscience > stitch suggests a brief sharp pain that runs through a part of the body (usually the side) like a needle < a stitch in the side forced him to drop out of the race > Synonym: see in addition effort. • - on pain of II. transitive verb 1. a. < a nagging shoulder injury that pained him for four months — W.B.Furlong > < it pains me to cast doubt on the competence of my friend — Alfred Burmeister > b. < don't pain me by talking like that — Thomas Hardy > < it pains him to have to go there > 2. archaic < still pain themselves to write Latin verses — J.R.Lowell > intransitive verb 1. a. archaic < the patient that so is paining — Calisto and Melebea > b. of the body or a bodily part < soaked her feet in hot water because they were paining > < could hardly think, his head pained so > 2. < said that it pained when he moved his arm > |
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